Shark Selection

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6605024#post6605024 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rnelson

Does your Epaulette move around much during the daytime?

Generally, no but I feed at night. For a while I experimented and fed during the day and the shark got active during the day around feeding time. They get active when they are "hunting".
To compare smooth hounds and leopards to eppullattes is like comparing apples to oranges.Unfortunatly it seams you made applesauce. Maybe next time you should do some reaserch before tossing animals into a tank .I'll refrain from pointing out the reasons a smooth hound and/or leopards can't be kept with anything more than limited success in a 240.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6604865#post6604865 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rnelson

Yeah, I've wondered about that too.....I wanted as much rock as possible for the filtration, plus I wanted plenty of hiding places for the 2 eels.....kind of a trade-off I realize.....on the right pile the shark can swim all the way around it....when I was stacking that side, I made sure to leave a gap at sand level....I didn't start stacking rocks against the back wall until about 6" off the sand level, so he should be able to swim back there too.....not so on the left side.....I stacked it first and didn't think about doing it that way until it was already done.....thanks for the tip about thepetshop.....I've found 3 sites so far that sell Catsharks....they are kind of hard to find.

For those of you with these smaller sharks, do they ever move during the day? I'm just trying to get a feel for their activity level.

I have a few links to sites that sell coral cats if you would like them?
The grounding probe should do the trick , just stay away from the titanium heaters, and any other part that looks like it could have contact with the water.

Have any of you ordered any sharks from these websites, and have you had any success with them? I have never ordered animals form an online site and I don't recommend it? Just curious.
I have ordered fish from and I was very impressed by the fish I recieved. I got nicer fish from them then I could find locally
I have been contiplating it but I have heard mixed reviews on the issue. I always have been a big fan of being able to see the animal and get a gut reaction as to its over all state of well being.
Yet some of my local fish stores have been seriously lacking lately.
No, I haven't ordered a shark (or anything) from the links listed.....I've had very good success from the online vendors I have dealt with in the past though, so it doesn't bother me much. My LFS is pretty good though, and sometimes I buy there too.....I hardly ever buy dry goods locally though, way too much markup.

My LFS has a medium Zebra Eel coming for me this Wednesday, and he's charging me $59 which is better than most prices I've seen online, so they are very competitive on the live items.
It sounds like you're pretty much set on getting the cat species, but I would honestly recommend the Hemiscylliids myself. Though the cats stay smaller, they are quite active at night and a larger individual would likely crash into the walls much more frequently/violently. However, I wouldn't keep larger individuals of either group in a tank that size. The volume alone would make keeping water quality a major challenge. Just food for thought ;)
Well I didn't want to come out a say it like that, but unless you have plans to upgrade the tank or find a new home for the animal in a few years you're best staying away from them.
I appreciate your honesty.

I don't plan on upgrading.....this tank is 8' long and BARELY fits on its wall.....I was lucky to talk the boss (aka the wife:p into this one.....actually she's pretty cool about these things).

Your point is that the sharks size would make it feel too limited in this tank? You would make this same argument about a grouper or something like that also due to its size?
i have a 300 fowlr im working on if i were to consider a shark of some kind what would be a good choice my tank dimensions are


i will have 1 major rock structure off to the middle of the tank for a eel if i so choose later but also has nooks for fish to hide in. i plan on a pair of triggers either crosshatch or bluethroats /a pair of golden butterflys / a queen angel / a school of anthias / and some fairy wrasses.

any comments on this list yes/no/maybe

any info would be great as the tank is still empty so i want to get my planning before it goes online
large angels and butterflys and most triggers are no-no's when it comes to sharks, they will peck at them. Also some of the smaller fish like anthias might be an expensive meal. I would suggust groupers, eels, tangs and definatly Scott Michaels "sharks and rays book" before you set up your tank! It is always best to plan ahead.

In Scott's book, he mentions personally observing Passer Angels cleaning sharks... I agree with you that most all Angels should be avoided with sharks, but have you ever experienced or know anyone who has successfully kept a Passer angel with a shark? Also, I noticed it is mentioned on under their description of a Passer angel. Scott says the shark getting cleaned by these angels are the Scalloped Hammerheads.....I wonder if this behavior would carry over into other sharks as well, and in a captive setting?
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