jim norris
In Memoriam
I not sure about the 10 to 15 feet, but I planned on mounting lights on the sides instead of the middle of the tank for this very purpose.
The weight is about 15 lbs and the total shipping weight is about 100 lbs. The clam farm I import into the USA from I use Ahola Airlines To LAX then American Airlines to Dallas were I go thru Fish and Wildlife Department and then US Customs. So I do not use FedEx or etc.. Squamosas I have found do not open as wide as like a gigas or maxima. I have a 10 incher right now and the 12-14 incher I just got in their scales are very large! The squamosa as you know gets nowhere the size of a gigas. This one is probably at the top of the sqaumosa size. The tank will be 4ft by 3ft and 2 feet high. Dennis is a great guy who has a great product! He has help me alot. Food I was hoping they it will get use to dog food so my Great Dane can share! You were real close on the shipping weight!
I not sure about the 10 to 15 feet, but I planned on mounting lights on the sides instead of the middle of the tank for this very purpose.
The weight is about 15 lbs and the total shipping weight is about 100 lbs. The clam farm I import into the USA from I use Ahola Airlines To LAX then American Airlines to Dallas were I go thru Fish and Wildlife Department and then US Customs. So I do not use FedEx or etc.. Squamosas I have found do not open as wide as like a gigas or maxima. I have a 10 incher right now and the 12-14 incher I just got in their scales are very large! The squamosa as you know gets nowhere the size of a gigas. This one is probably at the top of the sqaumosa size. The tank will be 4ft by 3ft and 2 feet high. Dennis is a great guy who has a great product! He has help me alot. Food I was hoping they it will get use to dog food so my Great Dane can share! You were real close on the shipping weight!