Shipping a BIG clam

jim norris

In Memoriam
Need ideas. I have gotten ahold of a 20 inch squamosa for one of my tanks. I am concern on what to have him shipped to me in. The normal plastic bags will not work. The scales on this guy are many and large. I am thinking that maybe an sealable plastic container. I have to keep in mind that the container will be holding approx. 10 gallons of water.
What do you think?
Jim, you have a project on your hands. I have seen the WS in LA shipping 10" - 12 " derasa in thick plactic bags but I don't know about 20" The shipping is going to be very high as I am sure you have thought about that. The container would have to be very durable to support that kind of weight.

Jim - What about a styrofoam cooler sized close to the clam. Sealed with enough tape they seem to hold water very well. You could envelop this in a plastic bag and then box for shipping.
Mako & Barry,
I like the cooler idea. I am thinking of inserting the container in the cooler. Reinforce the cooler with something? So the cooler will be the outer container then inside??? Barry I have shipped 10 inchers too and I think by luck they made it. But the squamosa as you well know can cut up a bag pretty fast.
This guy is for me (a colored squamosa)!
Jim, what tank are you putting him in? If he is in Ca I would pick him up and you could drive him back home in July. hehehe
I would suggest some type of cooler (like you keep your beer in) :bigeyes: and maybe as an extra precaution wrapping the clam in bubble wrap before submerging in the bag of water, to protect the scutes.
Thanks! Can you imagine if I tried to carry him aboard the airlines like you did that time! I still say tell that story! It is great!
Actually I have just found a container company that has (so they say) something that will do the trick. I am having a tank built for him.
Use a styrofoam cooler, with plastic bubble wrap on covering 3/4 of the clam (bottom section only). Fill it with water.


Place the sytrofoam cooler inside of a Larger styrofoam cooler. Then in a cardboard box. Tape up really good, ship out.
I've received stuff from the MarineCenter here in DFW. They put about 6 yo 7 layers of plastic bags, plastic wraps, inside and outside the styrofoam box.
i've been doing a little bit of these stuff so maybe i can add in a bit.

if shipment duration is > 12hours
maybe you want to try to bring along a smaller cooler with some ice to top up into the larger cooler once in 12hours (but never add too much ice because a little bit too much can cause the temperature to drop excessively).

if my location is too far, i usually check in to a hotel and bring along artificial ice liquid and freeze it into ice before i pick up the 'commodity'.

i like the increased protection idea 'plastic bag + foam + styrofoam + cooler'

plastic bag - leak prevention
foam - shock absorption
styrofoam / cooler - holding & temperature preservation

if distance is too long and you are determined not to do this twice then cooler is better idea.

I use Coleman coolers & artificial ice liquid, large enough and works for me.

Also, if distance is too far, I try to bring along another cooler with sea water, just in case....... but it will be a operation to transfer sea water into a plastic bag in the midst of your journey, to do this you really need to plan carefully because you don't want to spill or lose the poor creature to die in dryness.....

All the best and treat them (these creatures) well!
Thanks for the input! I think with the bubble wrap 3/4s wrapping the clam is the way to go along with everythig else. I just revieved a 12-14 inch squamosa who was packed in 5 bags. Afew where cut thru. The clams shipped to me stayed in the box about 36 to 48 hours.
I gotta ask, was this sexually mature adult clam plucked from a reef or farm raised? Why exactly do you want such a large clam for? Are you hoping for some ripe female gonads to go along w/ the probably mature male gonads of your 14" clam? You gonna rub em together? I can only imagine the cost of such a specimen including packing and shipping compared to waiting a few yrs and growing your own $50 juvie. As much as you have and will invest in it, I hope it has a nice color pattern, I'd hate to get stuck w/ a giant drab clam. You will post pics, no doubt. Also, at that size, how old do you make it out to be and how long does it have left to live?
I do not know about a drab color, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I want a big clam! No different (maybe) than you when you order that beautiful Jewel angel. The price is (I guessing about half) the price you paid for that angel. And it is farm raised! Not unlike the angel but you and I have been there before! I really didn't plan on anything sexual or rubbing anything together (clams that is). I am getting a tank built for just this clam. I believe the oldest clam kept in captivity is 30 years and going. This is a gigas clam. In the wild I believe 100 years and more? The squamosa I cannot find any information on the life span. As far as how long it has to live. I do not know. At this size it is a nice meal to some folks, but I just want him in a aquarium. I have clams that I have had for many years my favorite is "Scar" my derasa. He started out approx 5 years ago and is getting BIG.
I hope to have answer most of your questions and they are all real good ones.
Thanks jim, I seem to send some beef your way often but I just can't help myself, I need proffessional assistance:bum: :smokin:
I respect you for always playin it cool.

Let us know how it goes, I'm sure you'll have plenty of pics and if not, then i assume you'll invite neighbors for an exotic cookout!
j/k I'm sure all will go well and hit us up for more suggestions if need be.
After I visit CA. The tank should be ready and then I will have time to set it up. And then have the BIG guy shipped.
So is the clam already in the country? You said you planned on 10 galons of water and i imagine that monster weighs prolly 30# alone, w/ packing materials i'm guesstimating you'll be shipping ~ 130 pounds!! You do plan on freighting it right? Otherwise you can expect a handwritten letter thanking you for putting some FedEx exec's kids through college. Any thoughts to which airline you plan on using? When shipping from Kali to Denver I always trusted America West most although Delta has improved in the last few yrs, they got tired of being sued all the time. Each airport is different though. Do you plan to raise a ton of phyto for it too (although we know larger clams derive most of their nutrition from light) or are you going to put Dennis's kids through college too? (i don't really think he has any unless they're grown up). I'm curious as to how much epiphauna you can expect in those 2" wide scutes, at least some pesky pocillopora bailouts. When I was in Denver about 3 wks ago, the zoo had a squamosa whose shell was about 15-18" long, it was hard to tell cause the mantle was just about that wide, sticking out 6-8" from the rim. How much do you think your monster will open his cloak and have you taken that into consideration for sizing your new tank?
I think a big picnic cooler would provide a good strong container.

Jim, in designing your tank, did you account for the siphon spray that a big guy like this will eject? :eek: He could probably spray 1/2 - 1 gallon of water, 10-15 feet.

Good luck!
