Shipping my reef from Hawaii question

I spoke with customs/TSA and they said it would really only be an issue if any with agriculture. For those of you that have been to Hawaii, EVERYTHING goes through agriculture before you board or check luggage. I'm assuming its the same when you send packages.
I'm from Hawaii. Went to nuuanu elementary, kawananakoa intermediate and Roosevelt high. Any coral is illegal in hawaii. A friends father got caught and he had to pay $200 in fines for each coral and 2 years in prison.

what kind of corals did he get caught with? the local stores sell zoas which are the only corals you are going to find for sale in the islands.
From stateside, you cannot ship any live aquatic animal without a permit. I cannot ship live rotifers or copepods into HI, and can only get non live phytoplankton in on special permit.

In HI you cannot keep any stony coral. There are a few endemic soft corals you can keep, some inverts and of course fish.

Really? I've sent live copepods to a friend in HI with no issues. It was a few years back but they made it fine and weren't confiscated. I guess we never thought to look into the legality of shipping pods. Luckily we haven't and don't plan to do it again.
MY suggestion would be TO NOT USE Fedex or UPS because neither one is very good with shipping aquadics. To put it plain and simple they do not care if your livestock lives or dies its just a hassle for them to deal with and they would rather not. My suggestion is to ship them air freight like all the wholesalers do. Just contact delta freight or the airline of your choice and you can pack them up and ship them. It is the fastest and cheapest way to ship. Rates for me in the past have run around $50-$100 shipping from LA to FL. I would imagine that it would be similar for you. Either way this is the best method to ensure your livestock will make it to your destination.
Really? I've sent live copepods to a friend in HI with no issues. It was a few years back but they made it fine and weren't confiscated. I guess we never thought to look into the legality of shipping pods. Luckily we haven't and don't plan to do it again.
ya, i tried to buy pods here in hawaii, but was told only local hawaiian pods are legal to own in hawaii.
why even bothered, how expensive are these corals you have, just seem to be more of a headache, why not just start over.