Shipping Options


Premium Member
Being in Alaska shipping anything big, bulky, or heavy costs a fortune. I have found however that air cargo isn't to bad pricewise. I need to order 100-120 #'s of sand and a skimmer. Would you guys be willing to ship it air cargo, or some other cost effective way?
Unfortuantely the only airline we have an account with is Southwest. I don't think they fly into your airport do they? If they do, we could ship that way for you.

Other then that UPS Ground (which is barely cheaper then 2-day air) or USPS Parcel Post would be the cheapest.
Yeah, for air cargo it has to come to us via Delta, or Alaska Air. What would Parcel post be for each bag of the below sand? I went to check out with one added to my cart, and it said UPS Ground was $110.21? Does that sound right. My shipping zip code is 99503.

Just as a side question is Carib Sea Special Grade Sand 40 lb the best stuff to get if I am going to have about a 3" sandbed with a pistol shrimp, and for a remote DSB?

That's probably about right for ground. It's not much of a discount off air service at all.

I had an idea though. We recently shipped some media to Haw. and used this Priority Mail® Large Flat-Rate Box. It cost $12.95 per box to ship.

We can get about 20lbs of sand in on box. Means we would have to open up your sand and pour into bags, but that would save you some money.

On the type, CaribSea Special Grade is very good to go 3" high with. It's a good sand and very popular. I personally like the Tropic Eden Reef flakes better, but everyone has different taste in sand. I think the TE is just nicer looking, but both work very well.