Should I chop up sump for Clarisea Roller


Premium Member
I have another thread going about the Klir 4" but its got so many bad reviews here's another option and I need some advise.

Should I cut out the custom sump and remove the over flow and sock area (see Pic) to fit in a Clarisea?
I would need to use an electric hack saw and neatly cut it out the acrylic (hoping the acrylic spanning the width does allow the 1/2" acrylic to bow over time).

The Clarisea would fit but there no going back to socks if the roller doesn't work right etc...

Thoughts..should i stick with socks or do the roller and cut up sump.


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My $0.02....Don't do it.. and remove your socks... Life is easier and often the tank does better without mechanical filtration...
My $0.02....Don't do it.. and remove your socks... Life is easier and often the tank does better without mechanical filtration...

Valid point...I used to keep too clean of a tank and it didn't look good at I'm feeding a lot more and it looks much better...
I just hate cleaning the filter socks and most of the time I neglect to do it and detris forms in sump, now the sump has a lot of it.
Some of the klirs had motors that were not strong enough and the replaced all with a high voltage motor. no issues with mine as of yet. if anything it has made my life a little easier. I am using two 7 inch models.
I’m now thinking of buying the Clarisea and using the parts to make a custom one to fit my sump. Similar to Geo sumps, I have a laser cutter so I can make custom acrylic parts.

Thoughts ?
Can't you remove the lid covering the sock holders? Have the Clarisea just sit on top of the sump area where the 3 socks are.
Can't you remove the lid covering the sock holders? Have the Clarisea just sit on top of the sump area where the 3 socks are.

Great idea but I don't have enough head room to fit the Clarisea

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I have the Clarisea 5000 and really enjoy it. I could never keep up with socks - now, when I sit in my living room and hear the roller advance - I smile.

It takes me about 3 to 4 months to go through a roll.
I have a large cheato section with a metal halide grow light in my sump. It keeps phosphate and nitrate in check. No GFO needed. It's the best nitrate and phosphate filter I've found, and I've been at this for a while. A good skimmer is important too.