Show me your LPS dominated reeftanks!

See I told you. Look how beautiful Blanges tank is. It is from all those blackworms he feeds

Blange and Paul - do you recommend live or frozen black worms? And do you feed them to the coral?

I know live black worms are great for getting wild collected fish feeding well and easily moved on to frozen foods.
Blange and Paul - do you recommend live or frozen black worms? And do you feed them to the coral?

I know live black worms are great for getting wild collected fish feeding well and easily moved on to frozen foods.

I use live blackworms. I don't target feed the corals, they get the leftovers.

I believe Paul does target feed some of his corals.
I have never seen frozen blackworms, only bloodworms which are not worms and not a great food for saltwater fish. I also feed my corals live blackworms. The corals that could eat them that is. My torch coral eats smaller worms and my large cup corals or mushrooms also eat them aling with bubble corals and frogspawn. At least the frogspawn looke like it is eating them, it is hard to tell.
They are both worms but tubifex are smaller and dirtier, they are collected in drainage ditches sometimes in very polluted water. California blackworms are commercially raised in ponds for food for fish.
Heres my 125g

I wouldnt say this refutes the known aggression of lps , but I have a torch and hammer colony fairly close together (definately within stinging range) that dont appear to cause each other ill harm(over the last year). I wonder if being fairly similar species they dont fight each other to the extent they do other corals? Or it may just be an oddity in my tank (if i see them fight I threaten to turn the car around and go home).

I did the same experiment without any issues.