Show me your ultra ultra ultra LPS pieces!

Well, here are some of mine, not nearly as a lot of the ones in here!!!....




Amazing! Not one dud in this whole lot.
I'd have loved to get hold of that bucket with the frags!

Great stuff everyone! Did a couple of you forget to read the title of the thread.. ;)

ACR- that is a very nice looking piece. "strawberry minefield".... :lolspin: AHH how the names people come up on RC with make me laugh. Strawberries aren't pink... I think the explosion part may have potential.. Why not ditch all the fruit names though? Everyone is calling their favorite chalice a watermelon or a berry... :crazy1:

Lets see some original names people. Don't just name your coral with a generic title. That pretty much defeats the point of naming it.
Take the time to think a little harder.. :rolleyes: and come up with names that describe the piece.
Just my thoughts..
Hey Gary, what's up with the tips on that euphyllia? Did you buy it that way? Soooo neat!
I must say those leave me..

Speechless. I finally ran out of adjectives & cute responses! LOL
Simply Amazing LPS & superb pics! You Rock!

I must say those leave me..

Speechless. I finally ran out of adjectives & cute responses! LOL
Simply Amazing LPS & superb pics! You Rock!


Okay... I have to share this with you guys:

I didn't pay big bucks for those corals- I found them sitting in LFS's. If you keep a keen eye and know what to look for there are amazing corals out there and you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for them.