show of hands for the meeting


New member
I know most everyone that plans on being at the meeting have has replied to the other meeting thread but please humor me and post again on this thread if you plan to attend so I can know how much food to have on hand.
Thanks guys
Del you need to put a calander on that Tom Tom of yours so you can get the meeting dates right. Well at least you got to visit LFS while you were in town.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11843137#post11843137 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sperry
I will be there.

Put me down for 2bx of Tagalongs. Please.

We will have down for 2.

I'll be in town this weekend and I'm planning on making at least part of the meeting if family obligations don't interfere.
I'll be there but also will have to leave early - by 5:30 or so. Don't count me for food because Hubby is taking me out for dinner for belated Valentines Day.