Show off your blue tort!


New member
Hey, I just got a frag of a blue tort and it is looking great. Put ur pics of em here. Growth sequences would be nice too. Thanks! :)
Here's mine.

Mine isnt up to par with those but here it is anyways. Got it as a inch frag. Is about 5 inches long by 3 inches wide now
Looks like you have all sorts of goodies there Kip... Nice!

By the way how is LaFawnda doing these days? :) :) :)
That shot was actually from TOTM sep 06... i was running xm10ks and having trouble getting them to be white as they should be (turned out to be a fan issue)... anyway... everything else in the pic is kinda blah... but the tort looks good, why i used it

and, uh.... LaWho?