Show Off your prop System!

did you sneak into my basment and steal the dims from my prop tank? My prop tank is 48 x 36 x 14. 5 sided Overflow in the back center with 2 1.5" bulkheads. Lit by a Coralvue 400w HQI setup with a coralvue 10k & 2 x 36" actinic VHO's

here is a pic from a while ago in setting up my basement sump setup.
various sources around here.
I got mine from a seafood dealer, but lots of wholesalers and lfs use them too.
search 'tomato bin' or carson industries ? I think
Just got water flowing into mine last night. The frag tank on the left is just a 33 long, and the tank on the right is my show tank. I know it holds less water then most of you guy's skimmers so don't laugh. :) The rack is made out of eggcrate, I made the right side of the tank 6 different platforms that all come out. The legs are eggcrate that I siliconed in place before it had water in it. The other side is going to consist of just two seperate peices of eggcrate and will hold mostly larger mother colonies of my nicer zoas. Lighting for both tanks is an IC660 with two 110watts on the 33 and two 75watts on the 37.

Any advice is appreciated. :)

The plan is to start aqauculturing my nicest zoas to trade so I can get the biggest zoanthid collection ever.... :D



Some of the zoas that will be going in there.
I fragged some toadstool, xenia, ricordeas today, hopefully they will attach the rock in the next few days, my lighting system should be here soon...