I want to start a prop tank. What size is your tank? Where did you get your lighting and how much did it cost? I am trying to find cheap lighting. HA HA
Mine is from All Glass, Oceanic makes it too. around $75 new you can pick them up cheap from people using them as sumps, or shops going out of business. used $30 - $50
http://www.zurcsreef.com/coralpropunit here is the beginning sequence to my soon to be ridiculous starter setup in my garage... 440w above my 22 gallon 96x9x6 tank
I really like the 30B! I have one, I'm setting up now. Torn between using a sump...but your system looks simple. Can you describe the overflow, sump, and return set-up. Maybe a few more pics?
lemonhead: I love your setup, if you ask me, 40g breeders make great cheap saltwater tanks... For both prop. and display. Im currently setting one up for my bedroom. It should be nice.
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