Show Off your prop System!

i hope to start a tiered 29 gal prop/using eggrate and lr flat pieces
lights will be a 400 watt mh will i need actinics
You may end up burning your frags/corals even if they are on the bottom. Best to use layers of plastic window screen between the light and the tank and remove a few layers over a two to three week period.
right now there are none- but i see about he adjustment thru height or screening- does mh need a glass between it and tank
I have a 400W halide over a 33g tank....12-13" from water's surface. You just have to be careful how hight its mounted.....I get some zoo bleaching if they are not on the sides or bottom. I would suggest mounting it about 11-14" from the surface if you have SPS and LPS, and 13-16" if you are planning on softies.(all this regardless of whether the bulb is SE or DE)

Here is one of my setups. SPS and LPS in the frag tank and softies in the out pretty good!

misc 031.jpg

Lighting is 2x 250w 14k DE HQI ReefStars from Hamilton Lighting.
Sump is a portable KOI pond from Aquatic Eco
Skimmer is HVS ReefDevil
150lbs of LR in a tub in the sump

2 - 1" standpipes for drain
Mag 12 return
2x Tunze 6060 Streams
Shouldn't need any glass between then, but only if you don't do a lot of splashing. DE bulbs require UV lens to keep from literally burning your livestock to death from UV radiation.
Yes, you do need that on DE bulbs because double-ended bulbs have only the actual part that emits the light while SE bulbs have a protective glass around it that also blocks UV.

AHH Cyano in my prop tank! Lol. Im going out right now to buy a maxi-jet to make a DYI skimmer lol.

FishFreak20 said:
Nice, whats holding the egg crating up? PVC?

PVC couplings. They are hard to see because they have coralline on them like the bottom. The eggcrate is changed out every so often because I get too much unintentional growth on it.