Show Off your prop System!

What is a PVC coupling? I have mine held up by pieces of PVS that I cut to the right length and then silicone it to the egg crating. How do you glue it?
37gallon half frag tank and half display.... it's the same footprint as a 20long but is a lot higher. The bottom is eggcrate and filled with zoo frags. The way the rockwork is set up allows for a lot of space on the bottom to grow out zoo's.

I had a 20long on this stand but got sick of looking at just frags in the tank. So I bought the taller tank.

The main rock structure is gonna end up being covered in zoos and monti's.

First, this thread is awsome, its what I have been waiting for, its a perfect way for people to show off there creative-ness, and then it gives other people great ideas as well. Well let me try to post a pic. of mine that I have just started to put together in the fish room (its finally summer, HOO-RAH, and I can now start my prop tank!).

here goes nothing...


and I know... I know... looks kinda scary lol, electrical hazard waiting to happen, when I finish wireing up the rest of the bulbs I will clean up the wires with zipties.

Hey guys thought i'd share some pics of my soon to be prop system my new 400w halide rocked up today so its out to the shed to do some work tomorow....... my pump should be here in a week or 2 as well :)


Lol yeah they are pretty perfect for what i want nice n shallow... fairly big and cheap as chips....... they are pretty robust and uv stable aswell........I have one out the back for my dog to swim in it has been there for ages in the sun and she is always digging in it n stuff...... good enough for me ;)

Thanks guys
OK here is mine. It is connected in line with the main system, the tank is an Eurobraced Tenecor 48x24x16 on a Tenecor Acrylic Stand. It is lighted by two 250MH AB SE 14K bulbs on IceCap electronic Ballasts and two 55W T-5 Actinics. Lighting is controlled by the Neptune and is on at night oposite to the main tank photoperiod.
Barebottom with the eggcrate in two levels for different light penetration supported with 1" dia PVC lenghts that have four cuts on top at 90 degrees (dremel) where the crate get's inserted.
Recirculation is provided by two Magdrives (12 and 18 in series) Overflow and returns in center back. Total flow around 1900 gph with additional powerheads inside the tank.
The cleaning crew (besides my elbow grease) is just a bunch of Astreas and Ceriths plus one Mex Turbo.
Trying to grow basically rare or uncommon sps corals, examp. ORA torts, pink and blue table, lokais, red digitatas, red capricornis, green/red sarmentosa, neon confusa, red millie, blue stagehorns, purple buttlebrush echinatas and such.