Show Off your prop System!

I knew it was expensive getting into keeping reef tanks and corals, but seeing the setups here, I only know realize just how much money can be spent
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10661453#post10661453 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ryddo
I have noticed that there are a lot of custom aquariums in this thread. I am looking for 2 to 3 nice 30 - 40 gallon aquariums but with a max hieght of about 12" - 15". Where can i find them online. I am in the Philadelphia area and there are not many lfs's that deal with prop tanks. Any info would be a huge help. Thanks.

I didn't see that this was answered anywhere in here yet... If so then just extra info...

You are probably looking for 30 or 40 g "breeder" tanks. They are great for frag tanks.
30 breeder is 36x18x12
40 breeder is 36x18x16

Check with you LFS as most can get them ordered in.

Hope this helps
Man, nice set ups. I just spent the last 7 hours cleaning mine out. What a mess. And to think, I was only going to do a water change on the main display!:D I guess that I'll do that Tuesday or Wednesday after I get more water made up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10731920#post10731920 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Coraldynamics
I didn't see that this was answered anywhere in here yet... If so then just extra info...

I made mine myself and I think alot of other people did too.
My propagation tank

My propagation tank

This is my natural light propagation tank

Tank - 140cm x 40cm 60 cm

Sump - 80 gallon

Overflow - CPR

Water flow - Tunze stream 6060

Return pump - Hydor seltz 35L

Skimmer - DIY (maxi jet powerhead)

Light- Only the sun

Frags - 150+-

Hey Ecrasez,

Can you post more details about your natural light propagation tank? How do manage the temperature?
How many gallons is the total system?
Total 180 gallons. For temperature control a use a Fan. I turn on manual only in June or July. I live in a zone of nice weather. I will buy a Temperature control, maybe Medusa controller.

ok, here is my UPDATED systems

<a href="" title="Dual Frag tank 027 by jmc74, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="Dual Frag tank 027" /></a>

<a href="" title="Dual Frag tank 011 by jmc74, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="Dual Frag tank 011" /></a>

<a href="" title="Dual Frag tank 004 by jmc74, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="Dual Frag tank 004" /></a>

<a href="" title="Dual Frag tank 003 by jmc74, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="Dual Frag tank 003" /></a>