Show Off your prop System!

BTw I did consider a 400 watt Iwasaki 65k instead of 1000 watters...But since I already have 2 1000 watters it was a no brainer to me.I may try a 400 Saki over one and see how it spreads as well.

here is the 180 gallon tank.I have the light mover and will install it over the tank today but I have to order the 400 watt halide.I will order it tomorrow from Hellolights.I'll get the ARO retro kit and a XM 20k 400 bulb.

Also got to order a Sequence or Amp Master.I figure I'll Tee off the pump to the tank and one of the 300 vats from a 300.The 3rd 300 will be a stand alone system with a 50 gallon shallow Rubbermaid with a DSB for clams connected to it.I also already have a 175 watt set up for the 50 gallon clam vat as well.

I got a couple more buckets of salt last night and started thinking I should try to use them also, for surgers.

I think I'll have 6 buckets left when I am through.
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Tell me about it.

I still need to get some gravel for ground cover in the greenhouse and one of them fiberglass stand alone sinks for fraggin/baggin too.:rollface:
ErikAnderson said:
that has to be one of the most well setup systems i have seen so far.

makes what i am trying to do look like a monkey humping a door knob.

amazing man, really nice.


Thanks Erik.
I finally got a pic of my tank. In the middle are a bunch of zoo frags, on the right are my zoo/paly colonies and pieces that im waiting to grow into colonies. The left there is some thin-barred xenia, some sps(birdsnest and monti caps), and a small frag of GSP you probably cant see. All I have in there is a huge turbo snail, a coupe ceriths, and a couple blue-leg hermits. Lots of copepods to for the amount of rock....and they are BIG, lol.


Its lighted by 150W 20K Ushio with an Aromat Ballast. I have an aquaclear 200 and a powersweep 212 on it.

Thanks for looking.

Chris, I love my rubbermaid tank. It's only about 15 inches deep (I think) and it's really strong. I think I paid about 70 for it and it's a 50 gallon. The only down side to the setup was my skimmer would not go over the side. I fixed that by having a maxijet feed a 5 gallon home depot bucket. I'll post pics later tonight....
Ahh yeah. Good Idea.

Yeah they sound like a good price for their size. One thing I dont like is I like looking in from the side aswell as top and these tanks dont allow you to. Anyone else have a similar position?

Wow I never got that clear of a view into a stock tank. Looks good!

That bucket idea is good, thats actually what im doing except with a small plastic garbage can on my mom's 33g because the tank isnt set-up for a sump, lol.

Thanks!! I used a crap load of glue to make sure it didn't leak. Then I hung the maxijet that feeds it upside down to guarentee that in the event of a leak, the water would stop feeding to the bucket and the pump would die. You can't see that in the pics, the light is blocking the shot of the maxi jet...

I love this hobby!