show us your full tanks shots

I had someone view my tank tonight and I was worried (OMG my acan has algae on it,those zoas need a dip,my stand has salt creep on it ...).When the person said "OMG that is so gorgeous" and stared at it for 40 minutes, I just had to take a minute to realize that others (non reefers) dont see our systems as we do.That made me take the thought further and say -I should give myself a break a little and realize what an accomplishment it is to have this in my living room and that it's probably never going to be perfect to my eye.Ive been kind of a clenched fist reefer.Im going to try to take a more laid back approach and enjoy myself. :beachbum:
Seemed like a good thread to post this in.
....and as in the real world, nothing is perfect. We can see the bad when others only see the good. This hoby as any other should be ENJOYED! As long as the critters are happy, everything else is just gravy.
My latest 50G Full Frontal :lol:
