show us your full tanks shots

my newest addition!!
Koralia 2
Stealth Heater
Aqua Clear filter
2 150w Halides
4 Power Compacts
2 Lunar Moon lights
my newest addition!!
Koralia 2
Stealth Heater
Aqua Clear filter
2 150w Halides
4 Power Compacts
2 Lunar Moon lights

Hey TRAN......sounds like you are starting your own nuclear reactor on that 29. Love the lighting! :inlove::beer:
haha....i has more power than my 75g....but i am going to try some corals in this one with my eel....wish me luck!!
Redid the aqua scape on my 20 gallon since everything in here is growing in nicely ..

Here's my new blasto colony that jim got me yesterday

And a few zoa's and other corals growing in nicely

Here is my 180 from a couple of years ago. I really don't have anything more recent. Some of you may have seen this before, but it is about to change. I am fragging the hammer on the left which is now over 15 inches across. So far I have sold more than $650s worth. I am keeping about 1/3 of it as a new center piece. I am going to tear down the tank and rebuild the reef with a more open concept.

the regal destroyed some of my zoos though.
having trouble uploading pix to the RC.
Thats why i have them all on my mac gallery.
do you have any suggestions.
i've got some Whamin's of my own, all 4 of them! they're still getting used to my mini-teardown. as a matter of fact, most everything is getting used to it.
Thanks. (Sigh) But, alas....

That was taken before this weekend, when I ended up having to RE-Aquascape a 1-1/2 old job because I'm trying to fight 180-gallons of "goesinta" into a 120-gallon Box!
Where in the world did you fit that monti? You must have used a shrink ray - :mixed:

Thanks. (Sigh) But, alas....

That was taken before this weekend, when I ended up having to RE-Aquascape a 1-1/2 old job because I'm trying to fight 180-gallons of "goesinta" into a 120-gallon Box!