Showpiece Fish Question


New member
I have a 280g FOWL that is well stocked.
Blue Hippo
Purple Tang
Crosshatch Trigger
Aussie Harlequin Tusk
Magnificent Fox Face
Blond Naso
Emperor Angel
3 Lyretail Anthias
Gold Headed Sleeper Goby
Bi-Color Blenny
Midas Blenny
Sunburst Fathead Anthias
Lubbocks Wrasse
Blue Fairy Wrasse
Pintail Wrasse
3 Chromis
2 Clowns

All is good - no aggression between them.

I would like to add maybe just a couple more small "showpiece" fish and would any suggestions from you all.

Thinking Lineatus and maybe another wrasse that is compatible with the other wrasses, but I am an open book.

Thanks all!
Showpiece Fish Question

Scribble angel
maze angelfish
Quoyi parrot fish

Lineatus supermale is nice but I like angels better since you have a folwr

Size depends on how big is your emperor
Thanks Lawrence. Emp. is about 5-6 inches fully transitioned into an adult.
I also love angels (scribbled, goldflake, and even cheaper flagfin). BUT - with the number of larger fish AND the Emp. being a decent size, I think I may be better off with a couple really colorful wrasses or smaller fish.
I just heard of these yesterday and already placed my order for them, ventralis anthias. The most beautiful anthias I have ever seen.

If you want to spend some money, what about a candy basslet
I just heard of these yesterday and already placed my order for them, ventralis anthias. The most beautiful anthias I have ever seen.

If you want to spend some money, what about a candy basslet

I saw them as well Ray - beautiful but aren't they difficult to keep, like colder water? I recently had Tuka anthias and they ate initially and I was psyched - but then they gradually stopped and all died within weeks of each other.

Candy Basslets are a bit more than I want to spend. Lieatus would be around the upper limits.
I agree about the candy basslets, they are beautiful but very expensive for such a small fish. I cant justify spending that much on it either.

I do believe you are correct about the colder temps for the ventralis anthias, I did a little research and they seem to be better suited for temps around 75. I have 1 Bandit angel in my DT and hopfully 1 Bandit going into the DT soon, so I am going to be lowering the temp in the tank for them anyways, so I should be okay for the anthias
I did have a blotched anthias that did not make it - swim bladder.

Maybe another Blotchy and Lineatus?