shutting it down...Why???

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I would applaud anyone for there thinking that they can make a difference. Ok, your only 1 person however it only takes 1 million people to think the same and we start getting somewhere. I am by no means 'green' although i am open to new experiences and ideas. I ask you a question. 'How much did you learn from having your aquarium before you came to this decision?' Did you realize the damage done by having an aquarium has caused you to rectify your mistake and more? We are animals ourself s, our amazing ability to learn has propelled us to the top of the food chain and allowed us to proliferate the earth and even space. An electric car with batteries powered by wind or solar renewable sources (which can now be done) has only been developed because of intelligence. This intelligence that drove the industrial age, the invention of plastics etc. would not have come about without going through these periods. We are animals and our craving for power has come from natural selection (a completely natural act). We cant suddenly drop everything and start living the good life in a mud hut on an allotment living off the vegetables we grow ourself s. The decision and need to begin channeling our energies into creating a better environment start by the realization of the destruction we have done.
My point is don't just stop. Learn what you can and pick paper over plastic next time, slowly the world will follow and supply and demand will have to get greener or go bust. Development is the key.
Why not just bring your own string bag next time and bypass the whole paper / plastic debate?
It's basic tasks such as this that will contribute much to the conservation of our rersources.
Following this line of thought to its logical end leads to an inescapable conclusion.All human activity is detrimental to the environment as it is.We change any place we touch.If you don't want to participate in this change there is only one solution.Don't touch anything.Good luck with that!Or accept that your own happiness is the most important thing to you,and act accordingly.
In my own life, my experiences gained through reefkeeping has changed my outlook on the enviroment. I can now see how my actions are able to impact an ecosystem.

This sort of thinking I gained from my reef inspired my to buy a Honda Insight which gets around 70mpg (if I drive nice, 60mpg if I drive more spirited). I also focus on a more veggy intensive diet now, and never buy wild caught salmon.

Reef lighting inspired me to buy new energy efficient lighting for my home.

I also let my lawn die every summer, and ride my bike to work or light shopping on sunny days.

I didn't do these things prior to a reef opening my eyes.

My reef has definately lowered my enviromental impact.
try donating your reef to a school maybe even still take care of it there.
at the school the education it provides will do alot more good then the energy wasted.. show some one a nice coral reef and they will want to save it.. tell some one and they cant care less
just a side note, while all points i read are to some extent true, has it also been considered that some species (by being caught and brought to the hobby) has caused us to learn about them? we as hobbyists have learned to propogate corals which in turn cuts down on the number needed to be caught from the wild. also in a sense up to a point that because of our hobby that some parts of our natural reefs have been saved? i am not passing judgement but i try to acquire only aquacultured livestock and i try to get corals that other hobbyists have fragged from there own tanks. also i read an article online about how the volitan lionfish were found off of the coasts (in the reef areas) off of louisiana and georgia. if you want to really get down to the mother earth killing the planet thing sorry to say you might as well not use any modern convienences at all because in all fairness everything pollutes in one way or the other. i would personally keep my setup and keep at least a few of natures creatures healthy and happy where they could live a long life as opposed to them being in the wild destoyed by the pollution pumped into the water. remember that hanging up on the hobby and breaking down your tank is not going to solve anything the best thing you can do is take care of the life inside of your tank because if you take care of it properly then you will be saving the life in it. people are not going to stop having tanks with livestock in it this is just a fact but isn't nice to know that those of us in this hobby care about our tanks enough to make sure that everything in our tank is a healthy as it can be? we as hobbyists have learned so much and yse we still have more to learn but as we learn and pass on our knowledge to others we can and are helping our enviroment. as we get where we can have the livestock in our aquariums reproduce and sell/trade this to other hobbyists we are getting where less needs to be caught in the wild. sadly to say some things will still need to be caught such as the volitan lions which i have seen no reports of them being bred in captivity, but on the side note with the article i read online about them being discovered in the reefs off of the us coasts now then there is less chance they will need to be harvested from there natural enviroment and they can be harvested from areas that they are not originally native to such as teh lions off of the us coast.
non native species in alot of cases isnt a BAD thing.
and alot of fish apparently can hitchhike over here in the ballast of large ships ( possiably as larva?) i read that a while back i forget where but it was some magazine so it has some credibility unlike half the web
yes it is a HUGE problem. Ships are now facing violations of federal statutes for discharging invasive species from their ballasts.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10963909#post10963909 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by A.T.T.R
non native species in alot of cases isnt a BAD thing.

Oh? How so?

While it is true that not all non-native species become established the ones that do, those that become labeled "invasive", cause plenty of trouble.

But I'm curious to know why non-native wildlife isn't a bad thing.

Do you really think that even though a cows drinks 2,500 gals of water, that the water dissapears forever. It all goes back into the world when I poop out my steak from the night before. Water goes in and it comes back out. Maybe you should just kill yourself and not have any kids because you might leave a footprint in the grass. Life is a cycle. I don't agree in uneccasary polution and destruction. I just thought I would give my 2 cents. Eat meat. It is good.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10998873#post10998873 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DidYouSayReefer
Do you really think that even though a cows drinks 2,500 gals of water, that the water dissapears forever. It all goes back into the world when I poop out my steak from the night before. Water goes in and it comes back out. Maybe you should just kill yourself and not have any kids because you might leave a footprint in the grass. Life is a cycle. I don't agree in uneccasary polution and destruction. I just thought I would give my 2 cents. Eat meat. It is good.

This is probably the rudest thing I've seen someone say on the board. From your writing I can tell you do not understand the arguments made, so I will not address your post, but I will report you to the mods.
lol this is so funny.... u all must b liberals. if we were really killing the reefs due to our so called hobby dont u think that they would have already died by now. yes i agree that we all should support aquaculture and what not but comon ur acting a little bit rash. ur giving up ur reef cuz u feel bad about taking some rocks,sand,fish,coral from the reefs and energy consumption... but then again i guess liberals are all so literal ur loss
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11017439#post11017439 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brandon7491
lol this is so funny.... u all must b liberals. if we were really killing the reefs due to our so called hobby dont u think that they would have already died by now. yes i agree that we all should support aquaculture and what not but comon ur acting a little bit rash. ur giving up ur reef cuz u feel bad about taking some rocks,sand,fish,coral from the reefs and energy consumption... but then again i guess liberals are all so literal ur loss

On that wondrous piece of literary genius that took us political, this thread is now closed.
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