Siganus article


Premium Member

I really enjoyed your article this month. I have begun to contemplate a rabbitfish to control my valonia problem. You indicated that the Siganus (Siganus) guttatus is the best of the bunch. My question is are most species as likely to eat valonia in particular? Are there any species in particular to avoid? I'd be perfectly happy with a Lo vulpinus, Siganus doliatus, or Siganus puellus. Is there any one I should pick over the other thinking about valonia in particular?

Also, do you think there would be any problems being housed with a Kole tang in a 170g system?
Heya Newkie. How ares ya? :D

Henry has gone on a dive trip in Florida and won't be back for a couple of days. So... hang in there. :p
thanks skip :)

Is there any one I should pick over the other thinking about valonia in particular?

any of the 3 you mentioned should do fine. i dont think one would do any better than the other.

Also, do you think there would be any problems being housed with a Kole tang in a 170g system?

a kole should mix with any rabbitfish just fine.


One more question:
Does Siganus doliatus lose its interesting coloration as an adult in favor of silver?

