Sikryd's Mixed Reef - 200g Deep Dimension - New build in progress

Nice pick-up Chad!

Apparently those things really pull some gunk!:


That's my alpha 300 skimmer and my gunk!! Royal Exclusiv Yorkie Carrier! :lolspin:
Glad you liked my pic! I did it for size reference.

Nice tank build (and skimmer) ! Keep those pics coming!!
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Well, I figured I would add a little update. I have been busy as heck with finishing the basement and taking care of Sierra.
I have some quotes in for the new tank. If anyone has some recommendations besides Miraclesaquariums (Toronto) for a custom tank and quote, I'd appreciate it. The rock and sand is on its way.
Carpet is coming Monday, and furniture Tuesday. I finished up all the trim stuff and detail finish work this weekend. Today I am fishing the wires for the IR Repeater and HDMI switch so all the entertainment stuff will be underneath the stairs and wireless. So I can switch between cable, dvd, computer, ps3, ect with a remote and they will be out of sight.

The 200g DD wouldn't look right in the area provided, so I switched it back to a 6ft 180g.

I did a new rendering of the basement to see what 72x24x24 with 40" stand would look like. I just wanted to make sure it looked aestetically pleasing, or if adjustments to the size would be needed.
It looks good to me.
I made a few calls this weekend for quotes, so we'll see what happens.

(It is all to scale and what the basement looks like now, except for the stairs, they're close though )

The wife picked up an Achilles Tang on Friday for us. So I re-setup my QT tank. I wasn't planning on getting anything soon, but it was a great looking specimen that was local and ready to go.

