Siptang's 72g bow front.

Thank you so much Eddie. Coming from you guys means alot and I know I still have a long way to go but I look forward to it. :)

Quick question for the knowledgeable members here.
My deresa clam opens up wide but his mantle isn't expanding outwards the way it used to be... should I be concerned? My crocea is doing awesome so I can't figure it out yet...

thanks again guys for kind words and looking at my progress in this hobby.
Hey Siptang!! Kiefer's wife here. Haven't seen your tank in a long time and it looks GREAT. I am envious of your bubble coral, I've had problems keeping them for some reason. Good work. Hope things are going well for you.
Hi!! I'm surprised that you found me here lol.
I was so crushed that I couldn't go meet you guys up in Disney when you guys came down. How is the family? Little Paidey enjoyed her trip? Bubble coral is doing fantastic and I think it's due to me keep on feeding it at night. Thing is very hungry every night lol.
I was suprised to find you here!

We had a great trip! Thanks for asking. Paidey loved it. It was really fun because my cousing and her 8yr. daughter went with us for their first ever vacation. It was fun to see their reaction to Disney (they loved all of Fl). Not sure we will ever do spring break at Disney again! I'm spoiled by the slow time of year. We found a couple of fantastic coral shops in the Orlando area. It would be worth a road trip for you someday if you have time. It would have been fun to meet up. Maybe on another trip. I have a dream of the keys in the next year or two ;) And Keith always has another Disney trip in the back of his mind. lol

My bubble did great for a year, then half of it died off unexpectely. I had repositioned it and even after moving back it was not happy for a long time. Part of it grew back and I thought it was doing great. A year later, out of the blue it completely died. The only thing I can think of that changed was I added phosban. Don't know it that had anything to do with it or not. Someday, I will try another one. For now I will envy yours.
Hmm.... I wouldn't see how phosban will kill your bubble. You guys are experienced and have a well established tanks and I think it may have been different culprit that has messed with your bubble... my shrimps mess with it all the time.

Yea, I'm pleasantly surprised as well. Yea, I'm spoiled by the slow times as well.. I stay away during tourist seasons lol. These days I had to fill in and do many double shifts to stay afloat (60 something hour week) it really bums me out that I didn't get to meet you guys.. I was actually planning this awesome trip and all...

well, if you decide to come down, I'll be sure to plan things out better next time.
Please tell Keith that I'm sorry. :(
Obviously I'm not sure that the phosban killed my bubble, just seems strange that the decline started a couple of weeks within adding the phosban. Could be coincidence but I also lost a shrimp out of the blue and a few mushrooms were not happy at the same time. I only added about a 1/3 of the recommended dose but man did the phosphates drop! It does what it claims. I am battling nitrates also so it could be they just finally reached a level that some of the corals weren't happy. Nitrates are still the same level though and mushrooms are looking better. One of the never ending mysteries.

Sorry you are having to work so much. Stinks but a good distraction some times. We would have loved to have seen you and meet your wife also. Keith understands, life gets in the way sometime. Is your wife interested in the saltwater obsession or would we bore her with our endless chatter?

Paidey says HI. Keith just spent several hours reaquascaping his tank AGAIN today(at least every other month-LOL) I'll nag him to post some pictures once it clears up a bit and the corals open back up. He accidently broke his awesome purple rim monte cap that was growing on his overflow box. I think I am more upset about it then him. It will eventually grow back. It was my favorite piece in his tank, it was so tiny when he glued it on and growing in a very unique, beautiful pattern. I don't think we even had a recent picture of it. Darn.
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I'm trying to get my wife involved as much I can lol.
I buy the corals and fish that she likes and now she actually sits down and stares at the tank for a while through out the day.

Us tankers will always re-aquascape, move things around and such lol so totally understandable sorry to heat about the purple cap... is it the light purple one with yellow polyps?

Talking about working, I'm doing 70 hours shifts next two weeks because my father decided to take a vacation all of sudden. JOY!

Please give your family my hellos and tell Keith to post some pictures lol.
Sorry about the work schedule. Hopefully you are paid hourly so you can do something fun with the extra money.

I bet your wife will learn to love the tank. It can be so relaxing at the end of a hectic day. It is much more fun when our spouses/significant others love the obsession as well. My ex hated it and I always felt like I had to justify my tank and spending money/time on it. I was between tanks when I met Keith but he was very supportive of me getting another one. We were in the saltwater specialy store about 5 min. and he was hooked. It helps that he grew up near the ocean and has always been interested in it. Now his tank puts mine to shame!! Although........the focus of our tanks are very different which is good since they sit so close to each other.

Hope things go well for you the next couple of weeks. Your tank looks great!!

Oh....the purple with the yellow rim is a turbinera (hope I spelled that correctly) aka yellow rim scroll. He broke his green monte with the purple rim. I like them both. He has another green monte with the purple rim but it didn't have the beautiful shape this one did. He just randomly glued a small piece on the overflow box to see what would happen. Took about a year but it was really getting beautiful. It will grow back eventually--only about a third of it broke off but it doesn't have the nice "petals" anymore. Not he has several frags to grow out and sell ;) He has grown a piece out for my tank that is now about 6" in diameter. Hoping I can get my LEDs in the next few weeks so I can move it to my tank. His tank is FULL and needs some space. He has also been holding 2 of my brains, candy cane, and an acan for me because my sailfin tang decided they were great fun to play of these days he will make me move them to the "coral containment unit" to free up his tank a bit more. It is nice sometimes to have mult. tanks to move things around.
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Hi! sorry for the late reply.

Ahhh just trying to pay off my little house.
Wife just started to work after the incident last year so now I can relax a bit. Going to buy myself a controller soon and fancy up my tank a bit too enjoy.

Had an issue with RO machine not functioning right but I received so much help and love from our local reefers it was unbelievable. I even joined the club officially as of this morning lol.

My tank is doing not so great because of the messed up RO but it's starting to come around again and I'm happy for that.
Gotta love the local reef club! Wish ours was more active but it is starting to make a come back.

Your tank looks like you've been having quite a bit of fun! :twitch: Glad to hear your wife has a new job. In addition to the obvious financial gain, I'm sure it will be good for her to have a new focus and challenge. Hope things go well for her. It is hard to get in the work routine after you've been off for a while.

Have a great weekend. We are actually off work all weekend and by ourselves on Sat. What will we do with ourselves?! Actually, a trip to Lowes in the morning will probably solve that delemma. One of the dogs had an anxiety issue while we were gone and chewed up the bathroom. Let me tell you, a great dane can be very destructive!
OMG... great danes... those are small horses.. they shouldn't be called dogs lol.

I actually buried myself with work and my tank trying to forget, trying to focus on something else but I'm slowly but surely dealing with it bit better... not working so destructive any more... (welll minus this week and next week)

Wife has been much better since she got the job. Her going out and doing things by herself actually helped her battle depression and she's no longer grumpy and throwing temper tantrums. I thought it was for the best for her to take some time off but may be I was wrong. I'm glad that she's finding ways to deal with things better here.

You know what? I have never found lowe's or homedepot very interesting and thought only old people went there. Now I love it and try to go there often to learn new things about house hold things. I guess I have officially joined the old people group lmbo.

You and Keith have a great weekend. Enjoy each other's company and don't forget to smile and laugh a lot! We will try to do the same.
Our great dane is normally very well behaved (compared to the boxer anyway) untill we go away on vacations. First time we left her she pulled sandles out of the suitcase and ate them, she has tried to eat our bed and nightstand, and now ate the bathroom. She was a rescue dog, had been abused, so I think she has some seperation anxiety. I'll have to pull her cage out of the garage next time. :sad2:

Never made it to Lowes. It was a rainy, lazy day. Which was good, we need that sometimes.

Ya know Sip.....I am positive that both you and your wife did the very best that you could. I can't even imagine what a challenge it was to get through each day. No one has a crystal ball and it is always easy to look back and see how you could have handled things differently. Woulda..coulda...shoulda, can't change things now and you made the decisions with love. Maybe your wife wasn't ready to go back to work until now. Everybody heals at different rates and in different ways. Keith has kept me updated on your situation (I'm not completely outta the loop even though I don't participate on the other site anymore). I know you have had an incredibly hard time. You are a remarkable man who has done everything for his wife that you could possible do. You are allowed to give yourself a break. Thank goodness you have each other. You have alot of people, closeby and internet friends who care about you and have been praying for you. I've seen the pictures showing the joy your son took in your tank. I'm sure you have a beautiful soul, enjoying your reef with you. Your doing a great job.

Sorry, didn't mean to get so far of topic.
Great to hear you had a great weekend. You are absolutely right when you said that we need those every now and then.

Also thank you so much for the kind words.
I do feel very fortunate that I still have my wife. I went to group therapy sessions before where people had lost their spouse of 20+ years and it had profound impact in my thoughts and perspective. Honestly I don't know what I would do if I had lost my wife. Whenever I get depressed (which still happens very often) I look at my wife and my tank. Both has been my pillar and rock during this dark period in my life and the fact that it consumes all of my time does help as long as I don't let it go crazy.Like you said I'm blessed to have so many great people like you mentioned both near me and those on-line who has supported me through out everything. I should be more grateful because it feels like I haven't been, you need one of those things to wake you up to notice all the blessings.

Now, I'm just trying to live my life in a way so that I can reduce shoulda, woulda, couldas. I'm more involved in helping out family, volunteering at homeless shelters and church in general. Death is inevitable and you can't erase those 3 things but it will help to reduce it and hopefully it will be enough that I can be comfortable with.

Thank you so much to both you and Keith for being such a wonderful people to care about a stranger like myself and my wife. It's strange but everyone that I have met who's in the hobby have been very caring and great people over all.
Long overdue, here is an update for May.

Full tank shot and yes, I got my Apex Installed!



My last add on, Galaxia coral Can you see the growth? Because I can't... well the softies, I can see it a bit.


My baby clam actually grew a bit. Green slimer is encrusting.. if i can only get the polyps to come out.. I forgot the name of this one..
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hydropora (?) I believe... Incredible hulk I think... Shiny green montipora cap with purple polyps.


Just some fish shots.
Thanks Marvin for coming out today and doing my par reading.
Now I know why my hydropora (?) is mad at me. Changed the actinic bulb to another 10000k. Hopefully that will make things better.
Thanks Marvin for coming out today and doing my par reading.
Now I know why my hydropora (?) is mad at me. Changed the actinic bulb to another 10000k. Hopefully that will make things better.

Hi Richard

Nice progression!

Curious to see how your par came out???
Hey Mike, thanks for the kind words.

In the front where LEDs are hitting were Top 200s, Middle high to mid 100s in the bottom low 100s.

In the back where the t5 were hitting, middle was 70 something. (3 actinic and 1 10000k) Now it's 2 10000k so it should be alot better now.