size in terms of microns {red bugs,aefw}


New member
anyone have any idea what size the smallest parasite known to affect acro's? the reason im wondering is ,why couldnt you have a qt setup on main system water and just filter the water that returns to the sump with a sock that has a smaller micron size than the little bastards. I know you will have to change the sock out often. anyone out there tried this?
I am not exactly sure about what micron size they are, but I believe I read somewhere that AEFW's are around 25 microns when larvae. Don't have a clue about the RB's. One thing that I have been wondering is when the AEFW get caught in the filter, will the water pressure tear them apart and force them through the small holes in the filter bag? And if so, will all the tiny pieces turn into new AEFW's? There is still a ton of research that needs to be done on these guys.