"Skies" Picture thread.

Man! I had some trouble deciding! Its cool to be among such talent :) I was tempted to select toothybugs night shot. Not because of its wow factor, but because of the effort and getting out there and trying something new. Great job! Dougs long exposure fisheye looks like something right out of Nat Geo!

I decided to go with ReeferKims beach sunset. Being raised on the beaches of Southern Ca. this one just did it for me! Great shot!

I decided to go with ReeferKims beach sunset. Being raised on the beaches of Southern Ca. this one just did it for me! Great shot!

Wow thanks! There is MAJOR talent in this thread! I just put it up on a whim! It is Hermosa Beach, CA so you probably know it :) That's my beach, go every year. Thanks again!

Next theme is "Animals"! :) Can't wait
Wow thanks! There is MAJOR talent in this thread! I just put it up on a whim! It is Hermosa Beach, CA so you probably know it :) That's my beach, go every year. Thanks again!

Next theme is "Animals"! :) Can't wait

Congratulations Kimberley. If the next theme is 'animals' you can't post pics of Marley. You would have an unfair advantage :lol2:
Week-after update: Second time using the new UWA 10-18 lens and a little homework helped quite a bit more than just dropping a lens on the cam and running down the street. Still dialing it in but not too bad for a moonlit night and my second time shooting at midnight:





Critiques/ hints still VERY welcomed. I got some graininess in from shooting at ISO of 800 with the aperture wide open.
hey Nate! Youre on the right track!

I am no expert at night shots and would love to do more of it. What I have discovered in my own experimentation is you don't want to go over about 40 seconds on the shutter speed unless you like star trails. I find the best results with an obscene ISO setting. Like 3200 minimum. This allows the most amount of light to the sensor and if you have good clear skies and little to no light pollution, It will capture deep space. Picking up 1000s of stars that cant be seen by eye. Point your lens to the south, southwest right now between 9 and 11 to get the milky way. I always use my remote shutter release, but using your self timer works just fine.
hey Nate! Youre on the right track!

I am no expert at night shots and would love to do more of it. What I have discovered in my own experimentation is you don't want to go over about 40 seconds on the shutter speed unless you like star trails. I find the best results with an obscene ISO setting. Like 3200 minimum. This allows the most amount of light to the sensor and if you have good clear skies and little to no light pollution, It will capture deep space. Picking up 1000s of stars that cant be seen by eye. Point your lens to the south, southwest right now between 9 and 11 to get the milky way. I always use my remote shutter release, but using your self timer works just fine.

This is some great advice here. The wider your lens, the longer time you'll get to exposure without trails. Also, you want to be as wide open as possible aperture wise, or if you do go to a higher ISO, you may want to be a stop or two narrower than your largest aperture to gain a bit of sharpness, if that type of thing effects your lens. Looks like your focus is on as the stars appear sharp. I'd try going to 30 seconds at 3200 or even 6400 just to see what is there - usually a good way to find the exact location of the milky way even if you can't see it with the naked eye. A FF body will really help with this type of photography to reduce noise.

Here are a couple of recent composite shots stitched together in PS using the 6D and Samyang 14mm 1.8. Not perfect and there is noise pollution but I've been trying to improve this type of photography on the limited times I've been getting out! Basically 20 second exposures at 3200, f1.8, focused to infinity, then stitched.

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jordanroovers/14307058568" title="PinerySummerSolstice by Jordan Roovers, on Flickr"><img src="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2906/14307058568_7ecea0c3a2_b.jpg" width="1024" height="410" alt="PinerySummerSolstice"></a>

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jordanroovers/14824187797" title="Kawartha Highlands PP Milky Way by Jordan Roovers, on Flickr"><img src="https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3862/14824187797_26b8d23414_c.jpg" width="800" height="640" alt="Kawartha Highlands PP Milky Way"></a>