Sly Fox's Phoenix From The Ashes 180g AGE

thanks guys.... ive been gut loading brine and feeding...the chaoti loves them... been trying to feed mysis at the same time...he spits out the large pieces but will eat tiny chunks... might be paying a visit to the fish store to get a few other frozen foods to try

so ive been waiting on a connector from phil at xenia to connect my g-man pendent to lumatek ballasts...heard from phil it arrived ...hopefully soon i'll have light :)



love the wrasse and the clowns...awesomefish :)
fish seem to be doing ok... was wondering about the ones that died.. the issue was that i only saw 3 dead...the others probably got eaten by cleaning crew...

i was trying to wrack my brain.... the fish looked healthy, the anthias i found had a red line on it i assumed was from cleaning crew getting to it and the butterflies had a black line each that i assumed was part of their colouring... but what if they werent

anyone got any ideas?
Sorry for your losses Lance, I feel your pain!

How fast did everything go downhill? Do you have any info on the "red band disease" - I was only aware of this common disease name happening to corals in nature? (related to cyanobacteria)

New fish are awesome, congrats on the nice scores!
its a protozoan... but apparently if you drop salinity it doesnt work, and actually adds stress to the fish... by the time you see the lines the fish is infected throughout... as both the pyramids had the same marking i assumed it was a stress marking or something in the shop...

well i ended up kinda taking a break...i was gutted at losing my anthias and other fish...was really gutting... i kinda kept out of reefing for a while and just ran a fowlr... ive also had a few financial expenses come up....BUT im kinda getting re-envigorated

basically i havent kept up with the hobby over the last 6-8 months at all... time to catch up :)
thansk robb.. one of my good reefer friends is over your way...dont suppose you know garrett do you?
The chaoti is still going strong, when i got him he wouldnt eat anything other than gut loaded brine....for a few weeks i was going to a fish store every few days, man it was a nuisance

introduced pe mysis at the same time and eventually reduced the amount of brine and upped the mysis when i first saw it eating it... ive always found clowns great dither fish...

from mysis we went to frozen formula one as well, and he eats flake now and is a voracious eater

I added a second leopard, nott a chaoti but it didnt work well, i waited too long and he bullied the heck out of it...the poor thing couldnt get near food

I recently sold a few of my fish including my sargassam trigger... i am going to sell my latz too, im concerned that once i get my 400 w halides going, although i'll be using a chiller, they might not do so well, and i just dont want to risk them...
been having problems with the ballast wiring... the diagram i got from phil at xenia was inverse, so the halides were trying to start the t5s and vice versa... wired it the other way round... the bulbs all ire, but dont run

any suggestions?

