Small Urchin needs home!


Active member
I have a Quarter sized urchin in one of my tanks i dont want anymore, If someone wants to come get it, its free. I dont have a car..... Trade for macroalgaes or some sand or rock if anyone can spare, if its worth it i have a small star polyp frag i dont mind saying goodbye to as well....
Downtown Hollywood
I posted a camera phone pic of it in my gallery, currently he is cruising around in the new refugium....
yes he does, he is a very good part of the cleanup crew, but he knocks over frags that arent secure and eats a little "too much" algae for my taste. I have never had an algae bloom thanks to them, but he eats up the small amout of caulerpa i have left too when there isnt other stuff for him to eat. I think they are the langoliers of vegans lol. my last one was deep purple and the size of an orange. Its one of the reasons i installed a fuge. lol
at this size he isnt a nuisence but i'd rather just give him to someone on RC than give him back to the LFS and be asked if i want an even smaller version of what i tried to get rid of last time i went. "wink"