here is a list I am CONSIDERING. Fish police please provide warning citations only, no infractions please! LOL
seriously though at this point its only a list of what fish I like that are reef compatible or with caution. I still need to consider overall compatibility-health-food, happiness, upkeep, and of course appearance. I'll also need to significantly reduce the number of fish from these lists unless I get them bunk beds.
on my short list: approx prices listed
reg. Pygmy Wrasse 45
carpenters flasher wrasse 50
2-green clown goby 7
2-watchman goby 15(yellow)-45(leopard)
purple Tilefish 90
white tiger gobie (not watchman)
foxface rabbitfish 30
Bellus Angelfish (pair) Male-long orange stripe, Female-blue/black 140-220
Royal Gamma Basslet 20
Blue Gugeon Dartfish 25 (dartfish/tilefish ok)
engineer goby (pair)
tailspot blenny 25
midas blenny 40
spotbreast angelfish 60-100 (male-veritcal strips, female black strip on tail pointed dorsal)
4-yellow tail damsels 5
candy hogfish 50
australian stripey 50
exquisite fairy wrasse 60 (really any fairy, pygmy, flasher wrasse)
Three spot angler 150
Now for the the expanded list (some duplicates -no time to edit):
Type Common scientific
Tang Sohal Tang
1 Tang Blue Hippo Tang Paracanthurus hepatus
1 Tang Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens
? Tang Mimic Tang
1 Tang Blonde Nasal Tang (Male)
? Tang Brown Scopas Tang Zebrasoma scopas
2 Clownfish Ocellaris Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Wrasse Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus
2 Wrasse Pygmy Wrasse Wetmorella tanakai
2 Wrasse Carpenter Flasher Wrasse Paracheilinus carpenteri
2 Jawfish Blue Dot Jawfish Opistognathus rosenblatti
1 Gobie Yellow Stripe Clingfish Diademichthys lineatus
1 Gobie 2 Spot Gobie Signigobius biocellatus
2 Gobie Green Clown Gobie Gobiodon atrangulatus
2 Gobie Yellow Watchman Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus
? Gobie White Tiger Gobie Priolepus Nocturna
1 Rabbitfish Foxfaced Rabbitfish Siganus vulpinus
2 Dartfish Firefish Nemateleotris magnifica
2 Dartfish Blue Gudgeon Dartfish tereleotris heteroptera
1 Damselfish Golden Domino Damselfish Dascyllus auripinnis
2 Cromis Blue Reef Cromis Chromis cyaneus
2 Cromis Lemon Chromis Amblyglyphidodon ternatensis
3 Cromis Green Chromis
2 Blenny Horsefaced Blenny Ophioblennius atlanticus
1 Blenny Comical blenny Ecsenius opsifrontalis
1 Blenny Scooter Blenny
3 Anthias Barletts Anthias Pseudanthias bartlettorum
3 Dragonnet Yellow Tail Damsels
1 Hawkfish Flame Hawkfish Neocirrhitus armatus
1 Basslet Royal Gamma Basslet Gramma loreto
1 Dragonnet Red Scooter Dragonnet Synchiropus stellatus
1 Eel Hawaiian Golden Drawf Moray Gymnothorax melatremus
2 Eel Garden Spotted Eel Taenioconger hassi
2 Eel Garden Spendid Eel
1 Puffer Tyleri Toby Puffer Canthigaster tyleri
? Wrasse Green Bird Wrasse Terminal Phase Gomphosus varius
Blenny Ocellate Eel Blenny Blennodesmus scapularis
2 Angel Bellus Angelfish Genicanthus bellus