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I did tank transfer method and watched the fish for 3 weeks and then introduced them into display. The after a week I saw ich in my Powder Blue Tang. Broke my heart.
It is possible that I didn't follow proper sterilization/sanitation protocols while I did the tank transfer method.
So here is the surprising thing, I went to buy fish from a guy and he had let's say like 300 fish (anthias, tangs etcc and you name it). There was no ich in his tank. I was like ****ed and ***. So I asked him what he does to keep ICH out. He just told me he doesn't quarantine his fish but he just feeds them well. At this point I either don't believe him or I tend to think that he is extremely lucky.
He also believes that ich is always on the fish no matter what, let's say he thinks of ich as a symptom rather than a micro organism. Def the guy was not educated and he was thinking the ICH can come out of nowhere when fish is stressed, he was kind of telling a "Spontaneous Generation," theory although he might not know what it was. So his theory was that a fish may not have any ich at all, but when that same fish was stressed, then the fish can manufacture the ich out of nowhere. This means the fish has to manufacture the DNA material of the ich and the whole ich itself very fast when the fish is stressed. Fish doesn't need a ich cyst to begin with. Well, nobody accused him of being an expert in microbiology. By now, I had enough. I was like "whatever man," and when I was about to leave he said, "Hello," and showed me his secret bottle; the SNAKE OIL, It was a garlic bottle. I confirmed that he was nothing but a Snake Oil Doctor; but I have to give this to him though, all of his hundreds of fish in that over-populated tank looked fat and healthy. I have no clue how.........very strange. I don't mean to say we all know everything about ich and it's treatment, we all have little bit of snake oil in us but it's nothing when compared to that guy's snake oil.
He also said one more thing before I left that place, "every hobbyist develops his own method to stay away from ich and there is no common and standard way." well, he successfully has his fish without ich, so what can I say........
It is possible that I didn't follow proper sterilization/sanitation protocols while I did the tank transfer method.
So here is the surprising thing, I went to buy fish from a guy and he had let's say like 300 fish (anthias, tangs etcc and you name it). There was no ich in his tank. I was like ****ed and ***. So I asked him what he does to keep ICH out. He just told me he doesn't quarantine his fish but he just feeds them well. At this point I either don't believe him or I tend to think that he is extremely lucky.
He also believes that ich is always on the fish no matter what, let's say he thinks of ich as a symptom rather than a micro organism. Def the guy was not educated and he was thinking the ICH can come out of nowhere when fish is stressed, he was kind of telling a "Spontaneous Generation," theory although he might not know what it was. So his theory was that a fish may not have any ich at all, but when that same fish was stressed, then the fish can manufacture the ich out of nowhere. This means the fish has to manufacture the DNA material of the ich and the whole ich itself very fast when the fish is stressed. Fish doesn't need a ich cyst to begin with. Well, nobody accused him of being an expert in microbiology. By now, I had enough. I was like "whatever man," and when I was about to leave he said, "Hello," and showed me his secret bottle; the SNAKE OIL, It was a garlic bottle. I confirmed that he was nothing but a Snake Oil Doctor; but I have to give this to him though, all of his hundreds of fish in that over-populated tank looked fat and healthy. I have no clue how.........very strange. I don't mean to say we all know everything about ich and it's treatment, we all have little bit of snake oil in us but it's nothing when compared to that guy's snake oil.
He also said one more thing before I left that place, "every hobbyist develops his own method to stay away from ich and there is no common and standard way." well, he successfully has his fish without ich, so what can I say........
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