Snorkeling in Grand Cayman

We checked out cemetary reef off 7 mile beach and it's highly recommended. Also checked out a sea grass lagoon off of Bodden Town and it was pretty barren. It was expansive, but not many coral atols and the grasses didn't have much for schools of fish. I thought this was a cool environment, but my family got bored quickly...

A couple more teasers :)


Sea grass beds are everyone's cup tea. I can spend hours snorkeling one and looking at all the little critters, but as you found most people get bored quick without the big stuff.

Bring them snorkeling up by the Turtle Farm, it'll make the stuff off 7 mile beach look barren ;)
Oh, man that's awesome. I love going snorkeling every time I go on a cruise to the Bahamas. Seeing these pictures makes me miss it so bad. I think once it starts getting cold we are going to go back again.
had a great time there went to stingray city and where i was staying there was two man-made reefs that had many fish and i also went to a natural reef out by stingray city where i saw an odd fish that i couldnt identify
Old Friend

Old Friend

Hi Bill,

Old friend from Brooklyn Aquarium Society. Ten year member. You remember my son Christopher and I. Leaving the hobby, to do more travelling.

I cruising the Carnival Dream for the holidays in December. Any suggestion on snuba.

I am thinking of beginner snuba on an island excursion. My ports of call are Nassau, Cormuzel , Belize, Hondarus, and Cost Maya.

Which do you suggest for beginners snuba.

Ileana! :wavehand:

How are you and Christopher doing? You two should try and make it out here for the the LIRA club seining day on the 18th. It's a long haul for you, but should be a good day with plenty of tropicals to catch.

For Snuba, I'd go with either Belize or Honduras as first choices, and Nassau as second. While Cozumel is great for Scuba, it's drift diving in strong current. The areas of Cozumel that might be good for Snuba won't be the best reefs. It's been a few years since I was in Costa Maya, it was in it's first year or two has a cruise stop. Promising area from the looks of it, but didn't get in the water to do any snorkeling and there was no dive shops to provide Scuba tanks at the time. The ruins made for a very interesting day trip, so I didn't mind not hitting the water there.
Honduras My choice.

Honduras My choice.

I see you still remember me. :spin3: Christopher and I will be cruising for his birthday.:celeb2:

We cruised last year on the same ship. Christopher will be turning 17. So we want to do something different. I guess "Snuba"

Hunduras was my first choice. I visited Gumblimba Park on May 2009 cruise. Beautiful nature habitat. I guess the reefs are beautiful too.

Thanks Bill for your input. I guess I will book a snuba excursion in Hunduras.


PS. Maybe a pass through on the 18.:artist: