So frustrated!!


New member
I picked up a used tank off CL. To be safe I wanted to reseal the inside as some of the silicone looked questionable.

I just tried for the second time to do this and it came out looking like garbage, again. I'm getting very tired of scraping and cleaning dried silicone

I just cant seems to get all the silicone in place and smoothed out in time before it starts to set. When I remove the guide tape it pulls at the drying silicone and ruins it.

I've watched the videos, read the forums but just can't get it right. :headwalls: Seems so stupid simple, yet here I am.

Any advice from anyone that's done it successfully?
Brand/type of Silicone and tape is important too. I've had messy jobs happen using blue tape from the dollar store.
apply very small amount. Most the time, folks try to add way too much. Wet finger and let smooth. It it gets all over, your adding way to big of a bead.
You need to remove the tape almost instantly. Use a silicone that takes a little bit to set up so you can pull the tape while it's still wet

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apply very small amount. Most the time, folks try to add way too much. Wet finger and let smooth. It it gets all over, your adding way to big of a bead.


I don't have that much silicone experience, but a couple shower surrounds showed me that the tape is for incidental excess only. More accurately, a shower surround a couple times.
I would venture to say you're using to much as mentioned above. A buddy of mine on here and myself are using this exact silicone to make a sump and if done correctly you can get a real good bead with it.

Hope you have better luck today.
If someone can give you a hand it makes it the easiest. I tried it once by myself and hated how it came out. So I re did it and me and 2 others tag teamed my 180. 1 siliconed 1 smoothed and 1 pulled the tape. Made life much easier.
If someone can give you a hand it makes it the easiest. I tried it once by myself and hated how it came out. So I re did it and me and 2 others tag teamed my 180. 1 siliconed 1 smoothed and 1 pulled the tape. Made life much easier.

This is the way to go on anything 75g up for sure! All of the suggestions in these posts are where the money's at. Definitely get one friend and take your time taping with the good tape. You run bead and make sure your tip is not cut too big and have a friend smooth it out and have extra rags around. Then immediately pull the tape while as wet as possible.
I did this to my 150 and the worst part to me was the smell with my head in the tank. One additional suggestion, don't try and clean up any globs or drops till after it dries. It's much easier to clean up after it dries.

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If someone can give you a hand it makes it the easiest. I tried it once by myself and hated how it came out. So I re did it and me and 2 others tag teamed my 180. 1 siliconed 1 smoothed and 1 pulled the tape. Made life much easier.

+1 I did a 6 foot tank by my self but I had to work very fast. Mine was a complete new tank
Life got in way yesterday and I did not have time to give it another go. I'll have to try again next weekend. Hopefully I'll have good news then. Thanks everyone. :beer: