So long for now.


Premium Member
Fellow Stomatopodiatrists,

I am leaving for a year of chasing stomatopods around Australia and Indonesia. Much of the time I will not have access to the internet - in fact some of the time we won't have electricity - so I probably will not be checking in again until next summer. After a couple of years answering questions and providing information on stomatopods, much of what I can contribute is already in the archives of this site. Hopefully the old-timers on this site can help those new to stomatopods to dig out this information.

O.K. Have fun and watch your fingers. Hopefully I'll be signing on again someday.


p.s. I've posted this before, but I had to leave one last photo.
WAIT! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!! PLEASE!!! I want to suffer having to dive around Australia and Indonesia looking for stomatopods...:D

Have a great trip and thanks for all the fish!


Andy :wildone:
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of these cool creatures. Have a great time, bring back lots of pics & info to share!!
Thanks for all of the research, info and the on-going education. I guess we'll see lots of "Roy said in THIS thread..." from now on. I wish I were going too!

Have a great time!

I would just like to say thank you for all the great info. You will be greatly missed and your return will be greatly celebrated. Have a great trip. Stay safe and we will be watching for your posts in the future. May your trip be filled with lots of cool shrimp. LOL!
Well it's been great having all your help, so have a great time, as I know you will. You watch your fingers!
Im probley a little late, but bye Roy and thanks for all the help. Have a blast, wish i was there with you.
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