So my sailfin tang disappeared


New member
Woke up on sunday and my sailfin tang just disappeared. Have had for over a year and was looking all fat and happy. Only thing I can think of is that the bubble coral finally got him. Tang did like to eat the goo that the bubble spits out. Still have yet to find a body or pieces.
Have glass tops with only two 1" dia feed holes. So no jumpers (have a wrasse)
there are couple of blue legs, one pistol shrimp and one blood shrimp. couple of snails. not really enough to get rid of that overnight. All were out and about the morning of. Ive noticed in past times, all the snails and crabs would congregate at the body.
Probably died back behind your rocks. Even a small CUC will rapidly reduce the carcass.
There is a corner that i cant see into. just weird that the fish has been perfect health for so long and didnt show any signs of sickness. Just poof. Gone.