The thing about skimmers is they are a mechanical devise for removing nitrogen. They, in essence, beat the protein into a foam, similar to beating egg whites, that can be removed from the tank via the skimmer cup. Along the way they do remove some bacteria and algae so they are a secondary agent in cell harvesting.
Everybody remembers the old Disney time lapse films where the basket of fruit is left to decay. Over time is shrivels and shrinks, turning black and eventually liquifies. This is pretty much the avenues for food processing in ones tank. The food is liquefied, hydrolyzed, and nitrogen in the food is processed by microorganisms in the tank. Nitrogen in the food is mainly in the form of protein and during hydrolysis this is released into the water column. A skimmer can remove it
before any further biological processing occurs.
If not removed, the protein takes two pathways. The first is is by bacteria and other microfauna consuming it and the second is uptake by algae and plants. In animal processing it forms tissues but is also converted into ammonia for excretion. In the plant route this ammonia is processed into new plant tissue and the chief route of export is by harvesting these plants. Ammonia not taken up by plants goes through the usual route of nitrite and nitrate conversion as specialized bacteria consume the ammonia. If conditions in the tank are completely aerobic then nitrate is the final product. It too can be used by plants to build tissue but in many cases it accumulates in the water column. If anoxic conditions are present in the tank then nitrate can replace oxygen as the primary source of oxygen for for food metabolism. In this case the oxygen is used to oxidize carbon and the nitrogen is released as free nitrogen gas.
Few, perhaps none, in this hobby load a tank so lightly that there is no need for nitrogen removal. We want plenty of fish and corals so, to have them, we heavily feed our tank's micro environment. Nutrient export is a constant battle. A skimmer is just a tool we use to help us in that conflict.
Oh, and as I said over a year ago in this thread, skim away to your heart's content during curing. There is plenty of protein for a ton of skimmers during that period and those "good" bacteria you are trying to culture in the cycle will still have plenty to eat.