So you got a new fish tank Newbie

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Here is a couple of pics so far.



Hi Clayman,

So that is where that fuel sensor unit for the space shuttle went. :D

Looks like you are well on your way.

Hi Meeker,

Sorry but I somehow missed your post until now.

There major drawback with Jawfish is their constant digging and sometimes they will topple the rockwork. One of those fish where a good supply of "pods" is welcome here is more from Henry on the species-Jawfish.

A marine Betta or Comet, Calloplesiops altivelis, is generally a good addition. They fight among themselves so you can only have a single specimen. They also have an annoying habit of eating smaller tankmates, so only keep one with larger fish. Make sure the fish you select will accept prepared food when purchasing one. Here is more on the subject-Comets.
Jawfish wise, I'm planning to have PVC supports/foundations for my LR underneath the sand. (liberal use of cable ties under the DSB I'm thinking) So I guess this should be fine?

Comets eat fish? :eek2: That I didn't know :confused:

Scary to think that one of the salt water books recommended it as a community fish now....

Thanks for everything

Well, they are not that predatory and not that large. Small, fast moving fish can probably avoid them with ease but they might be able to capture small bottom dwellers if given the chance. It is one of those cases where only if the opportunity presents itself will they cause harm. They are Meatovores however. :D

I have think I an on the right track but you know what they say when things are too good to be true so, I rather ask the experts.

I have had my tank up and running for 1 Ã"šÃ‚½ months. My initial setup had 3 inches of Southdown, 60 pounds of Live Sand and 60 pounds of Tonga. The Tonga was very nice, full of color and with pretty good things in it. I have one of those dead decorative corals they sell at the LFS. My wife gave it to me for last Valentines which meant I had to keep it. I also do not like fish tanks too crowded with rocks. I want to leave some open spaces.

I had some Diatom Algae bloom which I don't anymore after I got a nice cleaning crew that included two Mexican Snails (hungry suckers!). I also had and still have some Green Hair Algae but is not like all over the place, just some here and there. I guess the water changes are helping. Yes, yes, I am using RO/DI water which is what the Master Waterkeeper always advice.

Since the beginning I have had pretty good numbers. The pH started at 8.2 and right now is 8.0. The Ammonia started at .25 and right now is 0. The Nitrite went from 0 to .25 and now it went back to 0. The Nitrate started at 0 and went up to 10 but right now is 0. Gravity started at 1.028 and as of today is 1.024.

For the last 2 Ã"šÃ‚½ weeks the numbers have been perfect. Should I wait a bit more before starting to add some fish? Will I have the numbers spiking up?

I want to add some fish already (I know, I know impatience) but I have not done it yet because I think the numbers might spike up.

It took me 1 year to have the setup I have. I have been extremely patience with the whole setup process but I want to add some fish already!

handyovi said:

Yip, Don't mess with success!

It sounds like things are going fine right now. A downward trend in both alkalinity and pH is to be expected as your tank develops and you add new critters. The biological processes of most living things tends to be acidic in nature and, as your tanks biological loading increases, the overall pH/Alk of the tank drops to reflect that increase in loading.

Two things will happen at this point.
  • The pH and alkalinity will stabilize
  • It will continue to drop

    In most cases A prevails and things hold with a pH in the range of 8-8.2. If the pH falls below 7.8, as it may in case B, then the simple addition of KW or a pH buffer can correct things. Your efforts to take things slow will be rewarded in the long run.
I know what you are thinking, I can hear it now. * "Oh no another newbie with tons of questions! ;)*

Ok now, hold your horses and don`t saddle them up to ride off into the sunset just yet :) I haven`t actually got the fancy glass box yet :p and am still doing research. It will be setup as Fish only.

1st. I made my list of must have livestock.
Must have.
Queen Angel
Magestic Angel.

Others will be included but nothing else is a must have. Thinking some less common butterfly types.

Now that I have that part done. *(Easily the easiest part) * Now comes the more complicated and confusing part. The tank size. AHA!! I know that I want one that is 96" long.

But the most perplexing thing of all is, what kind of filtration?

Thanks Tom,

Ok, Ok I take it this is some type of Jedi mind-trick. Is this not your tank that does not exist?


Photo of Knyght's Fictitious Tank

Or is it one from an alternate universe? :D
Ahhh my padawan master, that is the one I currently have. It will be it`s own seperate universe entirely. ;)

mmmmm you seek Yoda... help you I will.....

[<yells> Yo Waterkeeper! Water... TOM GET OVER HERE, neebie needs the force! </yells>]
WaterKeeper said:
Foul tasting corals you need or Angels you have not.

On the menu foul tasting corals will be.
A sponge as well should I be soaking?

(Keep in mind that I will have to order the new tank.)


WK you are the MAN!!! I haven't had a SW tank since 1994....gave it all up to pursue a degree....then I have both so to fill a void decided to try this out how stuff has changed...took me 4 days of ignoring those around me to get to the end of this thread (curse of lit degree...can't stop reading) I think I'm ready to take the next step and actually buy something (digging out the old filters from the trunk was an interesting tale)

I knew SW:strooper: fans luv the SWF...just took time to find them...thanks for all

Hi Mike

I have always been ignored by the literary groups so I love it when a lit major compliments my masterpiece threads. I really feel that my writings should be right up there with the giants like Hemingway and Tolstoy. Bring on the Pulitzer I say! :D

Darn-it Kynght, I thought I had graduated you to the Reef Discussions forum. ;)

Many of the soft corals have no active defense so they resort to using foul tasting terpenes to make them less palatable to coral nibbling fish. Look at some of the leathers that even the most coral hungry Butterflies pass up. It is not 100% assurance that the fish will not nip but often it is the best way to keep non- reef safe fish in a pretty good looking reef environment.


Is that get over here or get out of here? Since I rarely know where I am anyway I have no idea of where Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve been. It is a vicious circle.
WaterKeeper said:

Is that get over here or get out of here? Since I rarely know where I am anyway I have no idea of where Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve been. It is a vicious circle.
:confused: [/B]

Just remember, wherever you go; there you are.
WaterKeeper said:

Darn-it Kynght, I thought I had graduated you to the Reef Discussions forum. ;)
Well my diploma has yet to arrive :p

You are of course correct , and rather than clutter up this thread, I will continue this discussion in my current thread.

I think however I may have failed to convey my intentions. I will be setting up a seperate tank for large angelfish. Not adding them to my current reef.

It just so happens that Angels are amongst my favorite fish. If you have ever wondered why I don't speak too much about corals is that I have Angels that would put any good SPS or LPS Keeper into a major panic attack.

Two of the larger varieties I love are-
Holocanthus bermudensis, the Atlantic Blue Angel, a beautiful large angel as a juvenile. They tend to be slow growing and hold their juvenile markings for a couple of years, a rarity in large angels. The drawback is the become somewhat a dull grey as the age.

Pomacanthus imperator, the Emperor Angel, is unsurpassed in color or majesty, or all the angels. Beware, it grows large and needs a diet heavy in sponges to survive. One of these in any large tank is a showpiece. Unlike the Atlantic, they are most spectacular as an adult.

You need a big tank, with very select corals, but Angels and Butterflies can be all one needs for a heart stopping display tank. Here's a link on coral that, as G.W. Bush will tell you, taste worse than Broccoli. :D Tasteless Softies
what is your recomended time after set up to start adding fish?

i've started a thread on my set up with questions but incase you don't get around to reading it i wanted to hear your thoughts on when i can stock. tank is now 3 weeks old, has brown algea starting, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate, 8.2 ph. skimmer just started sat.

thanks to you and everyones help!
Thanks for the link Tom. Good read.
How`s about a pic of your Angelfish display? Feel free to post it in my thread if you don`t want to post it here.

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