SoCal Area Marine Hobbyist Clubs

None that I know of. There is someone that is trying to start something up in the South Bay, Look up Ivyvine1 and see how it's going.
Hey Ken,

MASLAC still going strong? I haven't been to a meeting in years, well, since Pierce was around.:D Membership increase, decrease or what? Never see any posts at the MASLAC forum here.

Roland, how's it going?

Membership goes up/down same as usual. Funny how some of the people won't post on RC, old habits I guess. Some would rather use the yahoo groups. Personally, I don't always get some of the messages, or they come days later.

Pierce has slowed down since having kids (baby and dogs) I haven't seen him post here lately either.
Ken, after a 2yr hiatus, I'm slowly getting back into reefing. Still can't keep sps happy tho but enjoying the lps' and softies all over again. At least the ones my angels won't My tank was a fo for the past 2yrs and surprisingly the fish survived w/o any water changes in that duration. Tank is clean now but that 1st water change was disgusting!:D Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll post an updated pic of the tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10553393#post10553393 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Old Yeller Tang
... Still can't keep sps happy tho but enjoying the lps' and softies all over again....
I know the feeling! I've been working so much lately that I haven't had much time to work in my tank at all.

SEAMONSTER, I hope it works out. You can always show up to a club meeting (MASLAC or SCMAS) and check it out for free. If you like it, join.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10995315#post10995315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tankslave
We'll see what happens at MASLAC... Not exactly an enthusiastic crowd recently...

I'd actually heard the opposite. I heard things were going pretty well over there of late.


Oh, if you manage to go to a meet, can you have one of their principles drop me a note? I dropped a PM to someone from there a bit ago and nobody got back to me...

What was it in regards to? I think some of the members are... "technologically impaired..."

I guess its going well in that we have a lot of enthusiastic members, just no one wants to do any of the work... Typical LA for ya...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11003757#post11003757 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tankslave
What was it in regards to? I think some of the members are... "technologically impaired..."

I guess its going well in that we have a lot of enthusiastic members, just no one wants to do any of the work... Typical LA for ya...

I find it particularly amusing when there are complaints about the way something is done, yet nobody is willing to step up and do it themselves...

I DO follow you...

But, you know, that's what a club is. It's people who try to help each other. Invariably you'll have some that step up to do more because it needs to get done, and that's great. And it is not without it's rewards... But those people are few and far between.

Next time you see your club officers, shake their hand and thank them. This stuff ain't easy, and it doesn't come with an instruction book...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11003757#post11003757 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tankslave
What was it in regards to? I think some of the members are... "technologically impaired..."

I guess its going well in that we have a lot of enthusiastic members, just no one wants to do any of the work... Typical LA for ya...

And, oh, it was in regards to a xmas party, going non-prof and membership... If you know someone, have them drop me a line...
Captain Quirk, you can PM or Email me at any time about membership. The xmas party was so long ago, anything could have happened.

I've done membership for the last two years (but not next year), and have been involved with the club for probably 7 or 8 years. All clubs seem to gain and loose members over time and things change.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10995315#post10995315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tankslave
We'll see what happens at MASLAC... Not exactly an enthusiastic crowd recently...
Lars, you should show up to a Board meeting, things have a way of working out in the end, members do pull together.

Joyce, I believe the frag swap was tentatively scheduled for December, but not confirmed yet. November is the Tank Tour.
Yeah, I completely blanked on monday. I actually got home at a decent hour, but completely forgot... :p

I saw Dave's email; looked like the meeting went fairly well...

Maybe with Rich's help we can get some better/more raffle stuff. I just dont have enough time to do it myself anymore.

I think, also, if we can get a few more pple to come to the meetings, we'll be able to get more pple to help out. More pple means more raffle $$$, means more speakers, means more pple, etc etc...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11083147#post11083147 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tankslave
I think, also, if we can get a few more pple to come to the meetings, we'll be able to get more pple to help out. More pple means more raffle $$$, means more speakers, means more pple, etc etc...

(This is merely a observation/suggestion, so please do not take this as criticism)

MASLAC was offered FREE booths at RAP, CFM, and MAX events for the purpose of promoting the club and recruiting new members. All three offers went unanswered. RAP had over 2,000 hobbyists attend the 6-hour event, MAX expecting even more, and CFM had people literally lined up around the building waiting to get in!

This IS your target market: Literally hundreds of hardcore reef hobbyists congegrated into a single place at a single time....what more could you ask for? Whatever the case may be with political/internal/organizational issues, only one thing is certain: This is lost opportunity.

If I may offer my humble opinion (and take it for what its worth) a non-profit organization may ultimately have altruistic goals, but it still needs to conduct at least MINIMAL amount of promotional activities (akin to that of a For-profit entity) if it wishes to survive. I'm certainly not suggesting that other clubs are more successful simply because they engage in these activities, but I AM saying that these are incredible opportunities that should not be overlooked. Find a few people who are willing to man those booths. Pass out literature/business cards/flyers......provide a sign-up sheet...collect e-mail addresses.....give out free Girl Scout cookies, whatever it takes; just get the job done! :bounce3: The rewards far outweigh the efforts, I can promise you that. :)
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No, I totally agree. Personally, I didnt even know that that offer was out there. I went to RAP, and will probably go to CFM and MAX. If we had a booth there, I'd totally help out. I think that new members are usually more enthusiastic about the club and more likely to come out. Its a bit of a catch 22; no one wants to do all the work, but if we had more people, we'd have more volunteers, and hence the job would be easier.

If the offer is still up, PM me and let me know what we need to do to get a booth.
Discussion was had within our club regarding taking a booth at these events. Although we are undecided as of yet, the general consensus is that we will be attending RAP and CFM. Although club exposure IS critical, we believe that our presence may be seen as an endorsement, and we are unable to endorse the other event.

You could have a membership of, say, 10 people, and if they're committed, they can help the club accomplish anything. It's not the numbers that are important IMO: it's the willingness and commitment of the members and leadership that will determine the boundaries any club will have.

With that said, I'll admit I'll pretty much take all the help I can get. As long as I can sleep at night, that is...
