soft coral reef


New member
i have a 29g with a 20g fuge and probabally a corallife 65 skimmer(have the 220 on it now.. too noisy.) i am out on lighting for it now as i was going for a sps reef, but softies are calling my name because of how fast they grow and how well a stocked softie tank looks. what will give me the best growth, strong like halide or more subdued like power compacts.
How deep is the tank? A 110 or 130 watt PC would be fine. However, a 150 watt MH a little higher above the tank would be nice too. You could also use the MH later if you decide to convert over to SPS.
Try VHO, here are some pics of my Anthelia after switching to VHO lights.

December 2004

May 2006
I have a 75 gallon softie reef with t5 lighting. I have 6 54 watt t5 ho lamps and my corals are growing like crazy.