Sohal Tang donation

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Hello everyone,

I have 600 gal tank, and my Sohal tang is just to big. I was trying to sell him, but since he is at least 10 inch long, I know it is not going to be easy to find him a new home. I have this fish since 2009, he survived dozen ich outbreaks, killing all fish but not him, so money is not a factor!! I would like to either donate him maybe to a local public aquarium or ( I would prefer that!!) just release him back to the ocean. I will ship him if anyone can help.
I would really appreciate any ideas.


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please don't release him back in to the ocean. that would present many concerns, both for the fish, and for the ocean.

i think donating him to a public aquarium is a fantastic idea. i've had the good fortune of getting to meet a lot of the staff at our local aquarium. give them a call. if they can't help you out directly, maybe they can give you some other suggestions for potential homes.
Definitely go the local aquarium route. Releasing into the ocean can be dangerous to the reef

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My vote is for a public aquarium as well.

Please think twice about releasing to the wild. Just look at what the lionfish has done to the Caribbean.
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OP, for a tang that size, and as others have suggested, offering it to a local aquarium would be best.
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