some random mushroom pics

Don't those things get huge? I've seen them at like 12-14" across before, I think one of those would eat my tank :)

Yes, they get huge. My original Giant Cup reached 16inches before I moved it. The babys in the other picture were from pedal laceration when it was moved. In October '08 those two were about 1 cm across, now they are both close to four inches.

16 inch Amplexidiscus fenestrafer.
I moved it into a 100g rubbermaid tub I have as a propagation tank. I eventually cut it in half. Both halves survived the cut, healed completely, and were growing again. I moved the halves recently because I was cleaning the prop tub out, and they both died in the second move, so at this point all I have of A. fenestrafer is the two in my display.
Some new pictures of the second one in post 3, same as the first one in that post only with different streaks :)



I'm also a mushroom lover! I only have 1 rock of red and blue in my current cube, but looking to get more. What I think is incredible is the camera you must be using to take those incredible close ups!
Thanks :)

I finally got some top down pics after the upgrade, loving the new tank. They both just keep getting more cool green streaks, I think they've got some more coloring up to do still :thumbsup:


Seeing as it's been nearly two years I figured this one was due for a bump with a new pic from today :)

As an update I had a dinos issue and ended up losing about 90% of the corals in this thread, slowly rebuilding now...

Looks like you are off to a good start again, Wait until you see the mushrooms I am bringing to Rap, you will love them. I really need to learn how to post pics:)

Those shrooms are soo freaking sweet! How come I can never find cool shrooms like those?

Most of mine came from browned out junk bins at random LFS, I think the most I paid for one was like $8... Just look for bits of color if your LFS has a throwaway bin, you'd be surprised at what you find :)
How are you taking these pics ? Nice shrooms and excellent photog skills

I use a canon digital rebel XT with a 100mm macro lens, the trick is to turn off all flow and be directly above the coral at exactly 90 degrees to the water. It sounds easy but takes some practice to make sure you're at the exact right angle :)