Somebody please update the LFS list


New member
Who ever is in charge of making corrections to the LFS list sticky needs to get on the ball.

Pets Unlimited in Coral Springs is sponsoring the upcoming Frag Swap event in march for the club and they aren't even on the list!... other LFS are still on the list even tho they've been out of business for over a year.

This makes us look sloppy and lazy.
Please correct it ASAP or ask for help and one of us will be happy to update it for you.
I think it would be more constructive to forward the information to the thread. You can also try sending it to Chris, since he is the one that started the thread.

I do not think the list is an official FMAS thing. It was just something that Chris did out of the goodness of his heart :)
Re: Somebody please update the LFS list

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11619159#post11619159 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Who ever is in charge of making corrections to the LFS list sticky needs to get on the ball.

Pets Unlimited in Coral Springs is sponsoring the upcoming Frag Swap event in march for the club and they aren't even on the list!... other LFS are still on the list even tho they've been out of business for over a year.

This makes us look sloppy and lazy.
Please correct it ASAP or ask for help and one of us will be happy to update it for you.

How about this "hey guys I've noticed the LFS list is a little outdated please pass this along to the people invovolved for proper corrections to be made"

the list inst too far outdated. just remember that the FIRST list is.( look at page 3 or so it has an updated list)
We are planning an application for the club website using GoogleMaps that will show the LFS on the map, you'll be able to see the ones near you and get directions.
That will be if we could just add the PBC that would be nice, I know the standard answer is go check PBMAS but....