Someone's Been Picking on my Peppermint Shrimp!


New member
I noticed that my big (1 1/4") peppermint shrimp that's been in my tank over a year now has shortened antennae. The only change recently was the addition of a mated pair of banded coral shrimp...maybe he got a little too close :eek1: . Here's what he looks like now (the antenna are all only about 1/2" long)...hopefully he'll do okay until he molts and they might be back...

I took my CB shrimp out of my tank when I set up my refugium for that reason! It always chased my cleaners and pepermints! and both cleaners were MUCh more expensive then him so he moved to the sump! Keep your eye on the CBS!
Thanx for the info. I have noticed that when the peppermint gets close enough to touch the antennae of the cb he darts off in the opposite direction. He may have already learned his lesson, but I'll keep an eye on him nonetheless...he's really a cool peppermint and I've had him since he was tiny (he jumps on my hand to give me a manicure every time I put my hand in the tank).