Something ate my clam


New member
I have a 75 gallon tank. which has nassarius snails, 2 turbo snails, one yellow tang,one clown, a clearner rasp, and a fire gobie.The tank has live rock , A sand bed,soft corals, some hard corals. the lighting is a 175W mh and a blue atcinic .The other morning all was well, 7 Hrs. later one of my maxima clams was gone, just an emty shell remaind. Any idea on who could have eaten my clam. HELP Thank you. Tony
Could it be that clam was dead and the cleanup crew just finished the job?Thigg2 did not say if there was any hermits and such but in the send bed there should be some worms and other cleaner up guys:D

How big is this boy?Sure looks awsome and stucky:D Looks like mine exept for the outer rim.Beautifull clam Barry and I'm thinking about what else I can give away to put this baby in My tank;)

Gene a few months ago he was 8" but I swear he has gotten larger since.

You need a bigger tank. :) I can have a 300 gal dropped shipped to you :)
If you do,I'm going to have to move in with you,cose my wife gonna trow me out for sure:o Maybe I can talk her into getting a clam tank.Small size,100-110.:cool:
