Skynyrd Fish
Have you considered heavy metals, or another contaminate?
i always had problems with nitrates bc chateo never worked for me. While gfo handled phosphate, I needed a better method at reducing nitrates. thats where the scrubber came in. and it worked.
I use carbon for polishing... makes water crystal clear
gfo is for phosphate control
i guess if nobody else has a solution, I can take the gfo/carbon offline and post back a month later?
Just dose trace elements. Get red seas ABCD and AB. Hook it up to a doser. Chateo only works if you have strong lighting. Never worked for me with mediocre lighting options. It needs strong red/blue light.
Help me out. Thinking critically, I don't understand why you would spend a lot of money on bottled trace elements when they can be replaced cheaply with water changes. If convenience is an issue, automatic water changes can be done with virtually the same dosing pumps required to dose the trace elements.
Again, thinking critically, does dosing trace elements mitigate ionic imbalances that build up over time? Does dosing trace elements work well for new systems as well as mature ones?