SPS Necrosis help


New member

Have a SPS that ive had in my tank for 2.5 weeks. It stopped extending its polyps 2 days ago, then started dying Any thoughts why?

This seems to be recurring with any SPS I put in the tank ( Lives for 3-5 weeks then tissue sloughs off). the LFS recommended more light, so I increased 3 weeks ago ( before purchasing this coral), and increase par from 150 to 280 at this location.

Salinity: 1.025
PH 8.05 - 8.19
DKH 7.85 - 8.0 depending on time of day ( monitored with KHG)
Nitrate - 1 - 2
Phospahte 0.03 - 0.05
Par at mid point of coral - 280 measured with Seneye
Lighting - Hydra 52 non HD

Tests look good but doesn't mean they are accurate. Might have someone double check your readings. What test kits are you using? Is there enough flow in that area? How often do you have to clean your glass?

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Tests look good but doesn't mean they are accurate. Might have someone double check your readings. What test kits are you using? Is there enough flow in that area? How often do you have to clean your glass?

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Phosphate is hanna ULR, tested against their standards
Nitrate is Salifert.

Theres an MP40 6 inches above and 15 inches behind this coral.

The 6ft x 36 x 24 deep tank has 2x Coralbox QP-16 ( Else mode, facing lengthwise on alternate corners, 2x MP40, 1x MP60 all on back wall, 100% ReefCrest,

I have to clean the front glass once a week.
Once a week seems like very low nutrients. I was like that till I started feeding more and now I clean the glass every other day and sps looks a lot better

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Tank is 2 years old.

I only have 5 mini colonies ( all about the same size and bought 1-2 weeks apart). All SPS seem to follow the same pattern. Great polyp extension for 2-3 weeks, then polyps stop extending and they STN from the base up over 3-4 days.

Montis and Acros both go this way. LPS grow great in low flow areas of the tank.
That looks like a lot of green on the rocks there..
And alk is on the low end but cal/mag are elevated..

What other corals in the tank?
Running carbon?
That looks like a lot of green on the rocks there..
And alk is on the low end but cal/mag are elevated..

What other corals in the tank?
Running carbon?
I am running carbon, gfo, and carbon dosing.

in the system, there is frogspawn, bubble coral, and torch, as well as some GSP.

Any thoughts how to decrease cal / mag ?
Well that could be it. Turn your calcium reactor off or way down and let that calcium go down by itself, while using a good alk powder to increase your alk daily. Once your calcium gets down to 440 ish turn you reactor back on. Start off with half the bubble rate. Alk at 8 so ideally ca should be at 420. Something to shoot for. But this will help tremendously. 🤙🏽

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Does your tank have any coraline? From the few pics I see tank looks pretty barren.

You have any full tank shots so we can see?

Also not sure why you are running Carbon, GFO and Carbon Dosing? Seems kinda over kill IMO. I would only run GFO and Carbon Dosing if I was battling an algae problem. Are you? You might be providing too sterile of an environment for the sps.

Also get your CA down and MG down a tab (420 and 1350). Your Alk is ok IMO as I keep my ALK between 7.3-8 during its daily swings and dosing.

IMO your tank just doesn't look mature looks like it's missing something......
Also what salt do you use and how often do you do WC?

Lastly as others said no need for a full time CA Reactor at this point. You would be better off just testing the water daily and doing some 2 Part dosing for now.