SPS not doing so well after move....

Mike de Leon

New member
So I just did my upgrade and most of what was moved are not doing so hot. I lost a couple of pieces and what was left have turned pale with very little PE.

Params seem to be spot on. Will these guys recover?

The new additions are doing very well. See pic. This piece actually have gotten much better.

Man, me too. I just went from 125 to 240 and used new water and sand, and some pieces are doing bad. Pink birdsnest of all things, a purple digi, and Jedi mind trick... All doing horrible. Browned out. Acros and milli doing ok. I hope u can recover cuz I sure as hell need to!!!

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Every time I'm with my tank and I get the same thing. Some corals do okay and others not so well. I think the weaker ones expel energy when handled by mucus etc
I can't imagine anything more stressing to corals than a tank move..
Total Armageddon and then placed in a completely new and unstable environment..
It's a waiting game, really..
Keep things as stable as possible and sit tight..
Good luck!!
The bigger the colony the harder it is on them in my experience. If I had mine to do over again I would have hacked up the colonies into multiples frags weeks before the move. Many of the colonies that made it for me are stagnant while some corals that were small or frags have grown bigger than some colonies that went through the move. Good luck!
I feel like new systems sometimes can be too clean. Adding coral food/aminos may help. Hopefully eveyrthing works out
So I started to dose Acropower and has definitely made a difference. Better PE all around. A couple of pieces are reacting very well. I also started to dose Microbacter7. I have new growth on new corals...
Let's see what happens.
So I started to dose Acropower and has definitely made a difference. Better PE all around. A couple of pieces are reacting very well. I also started to dose Microbacter7. I have new growth on new corals...
Let's see what happens.

Im glad to hear things are turning around. Acropower is some amazing stuff i hear, one day ill buy myself a botttle. I also use macrobac7 when I setup tanks, good stuff.
I believe its handling stress and sudden parameter shock. For my impending move later this week I'll be taking my current tank water with me. It's only 2klms down the road so 4 trips or so. A stable reef is a happy reef, I'm even going to bag my coral in the tank so there's no air exposure. Most corals slime big time when exposed to air, this takes energy.
I believe my tank's on it's way to recovery. Sadly though a couple of pieces are really browned out and will take a while to come back.
Oh well, SPS is really a waiting game as was said earlier.
Ok so I have some more ideas since I recently moved.

Moving live rock from its long term location means that in the new tank the live rock is exposing surface areas that were covered in the old tank. I think this then plays havoc with bacteria levels.

Live rock exposure to air even briefly must upset bacteria balance, how much dies from being moved around ? Does trigger phosphate release ?

For this move I kept all my SPS under water the entire time, and they are doing great.

My softies have been upset since the move, I think it's to do with the handling of corals during tank setup. This releases lots of chemical warfare, I believe Duncan coral is one of the best indicators of Chem warfare, they close up on the slightest hint.

I think lots of water changes and GAC is the key during the first few months.

My SPS haven't really cared much around chems, I think they are hardier against chems.
Definitely, bacteria gets disturbed. And so i dosed and now all is doing well. SPS have colored back up and growing.
Acropower have helped big time.
I'm not sure seawater would make a difference and if it's not like the water they are in, it wouldn't provide much benefit. It's the bacteria cycle that causes issues, ime, and there is nothing that can be done about that. I've moved 5 times in 4 years now, some successful, others not. I moved 6 weeks ago and didn't lose a piece. I started with new water this time (last time I moved 120 gallons of water to reuse and lost just about everything).I suppose you can try a bacteria supplement, that's what I used last move, but I ant say if it is the reason for a successful move, or just coincidental. This last move was brief too. Who knows really, seems like a lot of luck is requires. My corals all browned out, no they are pale, but growing and recovering.
I believe as long as the parameters are matched and the water isn't high in nit/phos it should be fine. I would do a transfer using 75% of the undisturbed old water and set up using that along with some added bacteria to first strip the water. After everything has settled for about 3-6 hrs, I would then do a 30-50% waterchange and begin adding aminos the following day.

In my head, it sounds like everything would balance out. Will report back in a few weeks and let you know if this method was successful.