SPS on a string


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Anybody keep SPS suspended in tank with mono-filament line?
I find that this is a very good way to growth SPS. The light light and good circulation help the coral growth very fast. In addition to this, there is no shade spots due to the coral motion. This is a great way to propagate coral for frags.




Do you just wrap a small frag with line and then suspend them? How is the actual hanging accomplished?

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There are so may way to tie the knot but I recommend sliding knot so it is easy to adjust where to tie the string. The weight of the frag will not let the knot slide free. Also heavy duty sting is needed. At least 20 lbs test line.This will much decrease to possibility of line fatigue and breakage.
The colonies, and especially the frags will have exceptional growth pattern and color.
I mainly use this method for colonies that I will frag and sell.
To me logically thinking, I would imagine the energy required in encrusting and establishing a firm base for weight support of coral, is instead focused to the development of branching, makes sense how the coral would develop body and branches :) Awesome idea, and you can play magic tricks on your reefer buddies when they come over. Very cool concept for farming for sure! Thanks for the detailed information, I may use this idea next year when I get my own fish room :) Cheers
Very cool, I knew this is used in mariculture gardens with great success and I had thought about doing it in my grow out tank but I wasn't sure how much space would be needed in between each colony to allow for movement and growth. Obviously your pink table blew up with growth! How far do they swing in the current side to side? What are you tying the string to above the water? How many colonies do you have growing like this? Have you tried tying frags to lines with success on growth?
On the sting the coral get really great flow even with low flow. It likely will not too strong flow because if the flow is strong the coral just turn or move. The high the flow, the more the distance you need to leave between corals. As long as the coral does not touch and long as the lines does not tangle, you are good.
Very nice, I believe Anthony Calfo had section in his book about this. Very nice growth!

What are your tank parameters?
Wow! I did not understand the tittle of the thread ... this opens news aquascaping ideas...maybe freaky ones...or not...

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very nice idea. do you usually start them off as a very small frag or more of a colony so its not flying around in the flow the whole time?
Can you show where u hang it on your tank
My tank have so many anemones that I am out of real estate. I hang corals just on top of my DT and in my frag tank. Only about 5 colonies in my DT.

very nice idea. do you usually start them off as a very small frag or more of a colony so its not flying around in the flow the whole time?
My colonies started out as a bout 1 inch frag. Last well I started a tiny frag, less than 1/4 inch.
Thanks for sharing the thread Minh.

I wonder if you could do this with a frag rack as well? Balance 6-8 frags on egg crate and hang it in the tank.
Wow very cool. Crazy good growth too! Do you have any side shots, to see what they look like hanging?
My Red Planet at this time. Picture on 5/29/2017. It got too bid and become an eye sore on a string so I moved it to the rock about 6-8 weeks ago. It is at about 8 inches now. Here are pictures show grow from 10/2016 to 5/2017


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