SPS tank with no skimmer.


New member
I've recently made the decision to go completely fish less. I only plan on keeping a pair of skunk cleaner shrimp and maybe a couple pom pom crabs. Now I know they'll still need to be fed and will create some waste, my question is, with religious weekly water changes should I be alright not running a skimmer? I know it might be seem weird but if there isn't any waste in the tank it's not going to have anything to remove anyways. The total water volume is 28 gallons and the skimmer is rated to 60 gallons. Thoughts?
I'd go with a ATS

Santa Monica makes a nice small one for $60 bucks called a drop in ATS ... would help pull nitrate and phosphate out
I've actually thought about an ATS, I just cant imagine needing the skimmer. And I've heard a lot of positive reviews about the Santa Monica units, thanks Travis, didn't you just post something about them actually?
WHY would you not want a skimmer? Man thats probably the funnest piece of equipment I have. I swear I watch my skimmer more than my tank.
If you aren't going to have any fish, I don't see much point.

I would just make sure you have a ton of turnover so your ORP is plenty high still.