Squamosa and Deresa!!! Help!!!!


Force of Nature
Premium Member
One of my friends just purchase a Squamosa 1.5" and Deresa 1.5" for his 30g Reef. Base on the recommendation of the LFS. He has 130w of PC (1 10K and 1 Atinic). I was wondering it that is enough light?? I have never kept Clams under less than MH.

Any help would be greatly appreciated..

Squamy experience

Squamy experience

I had mine under 110 watts of PC in a 29 bowfront. He was happy. He was *much* happier when I doubled the light amount.

I think he'll need more light
I agree, more light would be better or place them close to the current light source, he may need to feed them also since they are only 1.5"
AttackDonut where did you keep your clam?? Near the top or on the substrate?? How much light do you have now?? Is the Squamosa still doing well??

Still have him

Still have him

There's a really scummy pic of him on RC. He was on the bottom of the tank (18" high), haven't moved him. I went from 110 watts PC and a 15watt actinic (the PC lights are a mix of 10K daylights and actinics) for 6 months to 220 watts of full on PC (same mix) since then (additional 3 months)

He's doing *great*, 2" mantle extension, 1" shell growth with two new sets of scutes.
In addition

In addition

Tank is near 82 degrees all the time, and his colour went from drab brown to purples and blue eyespots. Definiately a massive improvment over when I got him ~9 months ago.
According to all the info that I've read, clams should only be kept under VHO or preferably halides.