St. Thomas Rics

St. Thomas corallimorphs are the shiznit. A piece of cake to keep, spread very fast, and if you buy the right one, they can be stunning. One of the RC sponsors Coral Morphologic frags them, and they have some nice varieties. If you have a spare $100 sitting around, you can buy one of their rarer red forms. No matter which ones you get, they can easily be the center piece of your tank. One of my favorites. Awesome:thumbsup:. Expect to pay around $50 for a single polyp at the LFS if you can get them.
I will have to try and get a pic of ours we got it at Phishybusiness a sponsor here and LFS to us $15 for a large polyp it is still settling in at the store it was under T5 and not pretty color wise but huge but under our vho color has deepened , but has not fully expanded either
I used to have a few of these, they weren't $100 a polyps then though! I had way too much flow for them, sold one off and the other floated away and got lost. Very awesome looking shrooms though.
Nice piece! What kind of growth rates have you seen? Has it split, or reproduced at all?

hi!the st. thomas has very thick foot and it moves a lot leaving small flesh everywhere,its attached in a small piece of rock and i put another piece next to it and it moved there,it left 5 small flesh in 1 month...the problem is the babies seems to detach itself because its getting shaded by the big one so 3 just detached and floated away..its probably somewhere in my tank....i manage to get 1 off and reattach it into small rubbles,its about a quarter size now...:)

growth rate is fast IMO:)

btw my clownfish used to host it..its funny and cute