

New member
We all know these little buggars. They are less than half an inch, and they reproduce through fission, and they are predators of corals. I have found 3 in my tank, through random luck. Some corals are starting to show wear, and I cannot find them durring the day, or with a flashlight at night. I cant use harlequins, because I have 2 sand sifting starfish in the tank that I LOVE, and i beleive they dont affect the sand bed too much as there is about 6 inches in a 120 gallon. Any ideas? ANything would be greatly appreciated
asterina starfish is what they are called. from what i read about using harlequins, they will go after the asterinas once they start to starve.

Manually removing them is about the only way if you do not want harlequins.

Harlequin shrimp do a great job of removing asterina starfish if you train them. Simply put the shrimp in a container. I use strawberry baskets tie wrapped to some egg crate. Then hold the star fish in the container with tweezers and the harlequin will usually come over and get it withing a few minutes. When you see the shrimp doing the "Harlequin Shrimp Dance", as you are getting near the container with the star fish, you know it is trained...

